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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Zozo Sim
Administrators nickname
Mohamed Pluxury
Jan 31, 2025

Zozo Sim

Sep 2, 2023
Hi, hope your day is going well

I got banned for GR 1.4 for having 3 accounts (Rejected - Unban appeal GR1.1 | Freija Jinn 302960), i tried to appeal because i really didnt know i had 3 and i have no reason at all to have 3 accounts and also knew i have 3 only after contacting mohamed and investigating my rockstar account, i respect the decision and its 100% correct by the rules there is nothing here for me to argue about.

However i would still love to be back on GRP because its the only video game i play, i would also love to explain all this to you again, it looks like i had an account for a very long time (almost 2 years) with the name and ID of zozo simaan 282491 which i honestly completely forgot about it, i have no intentions at all of breaking any rule especially GR 1.4, if you check the history of all 3 accounts you will see that zozo simaan 282491 was never used (almost 0 playtime) and also never was punished or banned for me to go create another 2 accounts, i honestly forgot about it otherwise i would have been playing on it if i remember having it there is no reason at all for me to make more accounts.

i hope you understand my point, and i also accept a wipe and unban for my main Zozo Sim 316664 and perma ban for the other 2 because i really dont use and dont need them, hope in this way it can be fixed, i think this is a fair punishment for a mistake i unintentionally made, the only account i use is Zozo Sim 316664 which is my main and you can see this by checking the play time on all 3 of them, all i care about lately in the city and all i do is making friends and having fun time with the people.

again i would not mind whatever decision you make i respect anything you want to say or whatever you decide, but i would still be happier if Zozo Sim 316664 get wiped and unbanned and the other 2 accounts zozo simaan 282491 and Absi Daboul 324989 completely perma banned, this should be more than enough to prove i really dont need those 2 accounts and had 0 intentions to make them, it was just a mistake when i made zozo simaan 282491 didnt play the game.. after a while i forgot about it but then decided to play the game again so made a new one because i was not aware i already have one and this is what actually happened.

thank you so much for your time, and happy new year 2025.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
You have clearly made 3 accounts and clearly used all of them
rest of story it's just your story which initially was in general just blackmailing admin with some "fake stories" related to mariages as ban reason etc
DO you need them or not - again no matter
and for spaming with topics u get 60 days forum ban
try ur luck woth appeal after this

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