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Rejected Leader of Los Santos Police Department | Pilot Saint

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Apr 6, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Ommkar Ghosalkar
2. Your Age : 25 IRL ( Ic 31)
3. Time zone : UTC+5:30 (Indian standard time )
4. Average online time : 8-10 hours per day , 80-100 per week
5. Your discord id : asianglobaltrade
6. Your Nickname : Pilot Saint
7. Your ID : 370115

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department .

2.1 : LSPD is most important org in city as it look up on all criminal activity happen in city and if LSPD is not there , then lot of criminal activity will be there So my main target is clean city from the crime . Then if i got term my primary work is to start cleaning city from crime .
For example , When there will be any store robbery and then gang got Numbers and they won easily because LSPD is not there and we as leo lost most of the store robbery
so I need to work as soon as possible if i got a term . this is my first reason to be leader of LSPD

2.2 : Towing ! this is the main important aspect of lspd being an traffic enforcement team , from past terms i have learn officers need to do towing and clean city from traffic it help to control city from lot of accidents and it also helps gov organization to get funds in values of tax , this is my second reason to be leader of LSPD

2.3 : As i joined lspd back then in march , it was lucas soul term , and from that time it is my dream to be a leader of LSPD and lead the organization from that time i have worked as LEO in all leo org gain a lot of experience and got a good confidence that this is my time where i lead the organization and help city roll out well and organize thing in proper order
even this time i got cos then got this experience to so iam feeling fully prepared !

3. Your advice for improving the Role Play level in the organization.
3.1: First thing i have also mention in my previous application all LSPD officers and high command should know rules properly for that i will be doing ooc meeting or training sessions on discord for making sure everyone know proper rules and they dont spoil any RP situation , lot of time happens either leo spoil situation or crime org member spoil situation because of lack of knowledge so my main priority everyone from my org know rules properly

3.2 : Then topic of professionalism and miss conduct and misbehavior : I saw people do lot of random punching and using stun gun so this is count as corruption as well so my focus will be avoiding this things as max as possible even mentioning and highlighting this thing in internals rules to as this thing spoils RP situation this is my important aspect to look up on as to improve RP situation

3.3: As my Primary department was HRT Always so i will be focusing on HRT and new department Police Academy If people will get well trained then there will be good officers and good RP situation as well , then other topic is weekly off duty parties to make sure everyone has good bonding and no internal crossing between any officers this will help run organization smoothly .

Rank Structure
Chief of Police
Deputy Chief of Police
Chief Of Staff
Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
Task Force Operative
---- HIGH COMMAND ----
Deputy Commissioner
Sergeant Major
Staff Sergeant
Lead Inspector
Corporal 3
Corporal 2
Corporal 1
Master Officer 3
Master Officer 2
Master Officer 1
Senior Officer 3
Senior Officer 2
Senior Officer 1
Patrol Officer 3
Patrol Officer 2
Patrol Officer 1
Probation Officer
Additional Information about my experience :
I was Cos in Raiyan's term then multiple time HOD and DHOD Also TFO in LSPD in Multiple term also i was HOD and DHOD in FIB then HOD in SAHP In different department like HRT , UC , PR , SAU SWAT
i also have crime experience as i was hc in multiple crime organization
# Deputy Chief of Police :

Gustav Hill
Rage Hill

Gustav Hill's Experience :
- Ex Chief of Police
- Ex Deputy Chief of Police 2 times
- Ex Under Sheriff
- Ex Assistant Under Sheriff
- Ex COS of LSPD

Rage Hill's Experience :
- Ex Assistant Sheriff
- Ex COS of LSPD 7 times
- Ex COS of SAHP 3 times
- Ex Bloods Deputy
Thanks for reading my application best regards Pilot Saint <3
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