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Ali Asker

Leader of Los Angaras Family
Aug 7, 2023
Family Name: Los Angaras
Family Owner: Ali Asker | 311211
Family house number: 237
Leader's discord: ali.asker
Leader's forum name: Ali Asker (Ali Asker)

Family Logo:

Family clothes:

Family Story :

The story of the Los Angaras family. Born in 1999 in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, Ali Asker was a child of a poor family. When he was only 10 years old, a gang kidnapped his mother and father and ended their lives. Desperate at the age of 10, Ali began to look after his younger brother Ati Los until he was 18. At the age of 18, Ali and his brother Ati Los made a decision and wanted to move to America. On October 18, 2017 at 02:00, they rented a truck that would allow them to illegally take them to America. Ali and his brother, who set off on October 18, arrived in Portugal on October 24. Then they boarded a ship that would take them illegally to America and arrived at the Mexican border on October 29. They started from the Mexican border and walked to the American state of California. Then they arrived in Los Santos. Wanting to join a gang in Los Santos, Ali and Ati started preparations. They went to all the gangs in Los Santos. But none of them were accepted into the gang. Ali, who became ambitious, worked hard to buy a house for himself. Then he started a family and named the family after the city he was born and raised in and the city he currently lives in: ''Los Angaras''. Ali and his brother Ati, who were not accepted into gangs in this city, could now form their own gang.
Family goals:
Making the family TOP 10
Introduce themselves to all of Los Santos
Own/dominate all fields and events in Los Santos
Control all areas

Family Rules :
Racism and toxicity are prohibited.
Profanity and insults are prohibited.
Treat everyone with respect.
Taking items from the Family Warehouse or the trunks of family cars without permission is prohibited.

Family Ranks :

1) 1- Rookie : These members are the new members of our family. They are the ones who will learn the rules in our family. They are in the training phase.
2) 2- Soldier : They are the people who learn the rules in our family and approach our family with sacrifice.
3) 3- Captain : They are people who have done everything for our family and tried to put our family first.
4) 4- Hitman : They are important people who played important roles in the events.
5) 5- Master : They are the people who have reached this level by participating in all the activities in our family, being a master driver, and showing respect to our family.
6) 6- Angaras : They are the people who organize the events in our family. They are the people who play an important role in our family and know all the rules.
7) 7- Turfer : In our family, they are the ones who defeat their enemies during conflict.
8) Under Deputy : These members are the people the family leader trusts. This person, who plays a very big role in the family, conveys his ideas to the next higher authority.
9) Deputy : They are the second leaders of our family. They are the ones who express their ideas to the leader and are the right arm of the leader. It is very important to have this level.
10) Leader : The leader of the family is the person who manages and makes all the decisions in the family. Everyone in the family is entrusted to him. He is the person who decides to solve all the problems in the family without any problems.
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Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

Leader has to many recent punishments. Try again later or with a different leader.
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