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Your ID
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Celestial Storm
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jan 4, 2025
Time of violation

Celestial Storm

Jul 6, 2023
I saw this person’s advertisement on the Grand Roleplay marketplace. They claimed to be selling gas station number 4. I checked the location on the map, liked it, and told them I wanted to buy it. Our conversations took place over Discord. However, the person sold me gas station number 3 instead of number 4. They scammed me, and I am filing a complaint against them. After purchasing the business, I went to check it and found that it belonged to someone else. When I checked the location of my business on my phone, it showed a completely different place.

As you can see, the location of the workplace is different from what it says.

The advertisement also says gas station number 4. When I open my map, the place I see has nothing to do with the place he sells it to. It is obvious that there is something wrong here. He had to write business number 4 like other advertisers. I offered the person back the missing money and bought the gas station, but he refused because he could not find anyone else who would pay that much money for this place.


Jan 3, 2024
Hello dear admin this is a previous message of the suspect

dear admin

as u can see i put an AD for selling Gas station No 4 on GPS price 220 mill and he text me to buy it, and we have meet at bank No4 and we finish the deal. after 1 hour he texts me again because he has miss understood between No 4 ON GPS AND No 4 on the map
my AD was clear ... and everyone in the city know that we use GPS icon in the phone to search about business.

Nano machine

Sep 7, 2023
Hello dear admin this is a previous message of the suspect

dear admin

as u can see i put an AD for selling Gas station No 4 on GPS price 220 mill and he text me to buy it, and we have meet at bank No4 and we finish the deal. after 1 hour he texts me again because he has miss understood between No 4 ON GPS AND No 4 on the map
my AD was clear ... and everyone in the city know that we use GPS icon in the phone to search about business.
You do not specify GPS as station no. 4 over the phone, but you claim to have sold gas station no. 4. It's clear here that you are trying to scam someone. When I look into your history, I see that you couldn't sell this for 2-3 months, and as soon as you find someone to scam, you immediately sell it. Later, the person contacts you and says, "Give me back 220M and take back the business. I will even cover the 10% loss myself; just give me my money back." However, you are not even willing to negotiate.

Mascot Federal

Server Administrator
Jan 13, 2024
Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Reject this report
There is No GR 1.3 Found
Based on your proofs there was clearly mentioned " Selling Gas Station No 4 On GPS "
Press K < Open Phone < GPS < Search for a biasness by number < 4
Same Gas Station NO 4 on GPS You owned / ID 1500 shelled you
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