2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+ 05:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 Hours
5. Your Discord: .tanishq69.
6. Your Nickname: Sakura Kaisens
7. Your ID: 76817
Additional information:-
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
- My journey of Leos is start from the LSPD then SAHP and Currently I am in NG Major General (Curator of ALL) so I have good expierence. With my expierence, I want to make SAHP best and professional org in the city.
- The SAHP has a lot of potential to maintain the reputation it currently has. I want to ensure that the SAHP is seen as an organization where you can have fun and develop passion. The SAHP is much more than handing out tickets, towing cars and patrolling around the whole San Andreas area and ensuring the safety of the citizens.
- SAHP is one of the organizations that no one looks at the way I do, with that I mean that everyone says that this organization is boring because it's on the highway, but actually it's not like that because I spent my Roleplay in SAHP and I know what is it like to be in such a unique organization because people don't know when the team is gathered, that there are too many actions on the highway, too much crime and you can make a very good Roleplay when everyone is serious.
- We all know that in current time Roleplay is going very down, because there are a lot of people who violate it non-stop, that's why I'm here to increase the level of Roleplay, by which I mean that when there are serious situations, we should all behave decently and normally other organizations would see that SAHP is one of the better ones in terms of Roleplay. I love this organization very much and I would work hard for it and be honest with everyone.
- I have been in a state org from a long time so I got a lot of RP expierence with everyone. So this time I think this time I can share my expierence with other officers also and give a good expierence in the org. - I have also a good team who can handle in absence of me.
- I will ensure in the San Andreas not doing any crime and every citizen will be safe the area of the San Andreas.
- I will ensure to give the best working environment to the officer of SAHP where is no toxicity, favoritism.
- We all know that in current time Roleplay is going very down, because there are a lot of people who violate it non-stop, that's why I'm here to increase the level of Roleplay, by which I mean that when there are serious situations, we should all behave decently and normally other organizations would see that SAHP is one of the better ones in terms of Roleplay. I love this organization very much and I would work hard for it and be honest with everyone.
- Everyone is thinking SAHP is boring org because it's on highway and there is only San Andreas, but I will organize some unique Activates and Events so SAHP officer can do fun also and also Citizens by participating.
- I will also talk with government and LSPD for access of the city for the SAHP, so SAHP can go in city also for patrolling.
- Currently I am seeing in the night time too much officer is not available in the org, but I will try my best to ensure the availability of the officers in the Night Time.
- I have been in a state org from a long time so I got a lot of RP expierence with everyone. So this time I think this time I can share my expierence with other officers also and give a good expierence in the org.
- I have also a good team who can handle in absence of me.
- Every week I will organize a promotion ceremony where deserving officers get the promotion and also where I will announce most active officer of SAHP and give them reward.
3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.
- I will hire best HR in my term from which trainee got best training so there is low chances to see the rule break from the SAHP.
- Proper use Of /do /me /try And Other RP Commands And Also Will Try To Implement To RP Commands To Make RP More Realistic.
- I will conduct meeting with High command in every week.
- I will make good relation with other org also.
- Toxicity would be strictly prohibited in any sense, be it insulting, belittling or any other sense of toxicity.
- I will have a commander of relations who will solve everything with other organizations and also in our organization where he will hold meetings, go to them and really try to have the best possible relationship with other organizations because that is the most important thing to me.
- Patrols would be constantly on the road all over the San Andreas area , there would only be the Leader, Deputies and Assistant when necessary, and of course the Towing Service would be there to constantly regulate poorly parked vehicles. And everyone will progress through arrests and through arrested vehicles.
Departments :-
1. Human Resource (HR) :- HR will hire the citizen, they will give training to everyone, they will announce open recruitment. HR is the backbone of the org they will must be active in the org. I will ensure that this department stays professional at all times.
2. Internal Affairs (IA) :- IA will overlook the Background check, Logs checkup, License check, Bodycam check, Activity check.
3. Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) :- SWAT will Burst the Cannabis, take over the Negotiations, Rescue the Hostage.
4. Special Ops (SO) :- Patrol in the San Andreas, help the citizens, Ghetto Patrol, Attending Events.
Ranking System:-
30. Sheriff
29. Under Sheriff
28. Assistant Sheriff
27. Commander
26. Chief of Staff
25. Head of Division
24. Deputy Head of Division
----- High Command -----
23: Captain
22: Lieutenant
21: Major
20: Field Supervisor
19: Supervisor
18: Master Sergeant
17: Senior Sergeant
16: Sergeant
15: Senior Corporal
14: Corporal
13: Lance Corporal
12: Master Trooper III
11: Master Trooper II
10: Master Trooper I
9: Senior Trooper III
8: Senior Trooper II
7: Senior Trooper I
6: Trooper III
5: Trooper II
4: Trooper I
3: Trainee
2: Janitor
1: Suspended
Thank you for reviewing my Application