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Andrew Undefeated

Jul 26, 2024
Organization: National Guard

Name: Andrew Undefeated
Gender: Male
Age (IC): 18
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Bangladesh
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: White
Tattoos: Face , Right arm , Left arm ,
Strengths: Good driver , Skilled Shooter Good Pilot
Weakness: Trust People easily

Life Story:

when Andrew was born his family was too poor that he dont have any money to eat and also dont have money to study to school after that his parents dont have any money they tried to killed Andrew but they cant because his parents was emotionally weak of killing of their on son after Andrew know that his parents was trying to killed him he scared and run from his house at this moment he was broken after some people see that Andrew always stays sad they ask andrew for join bloods gang after he saws all the activites between gangs he also wanted to join the bloods gang he was loved by everyone and after some weeks there was too many problems between own gang member everyone was leaving by seeing that the peoples who asked him to join they leaved the gang and joined NG as a leo they was very close to him like a brother thats why he also decided to join NG

Career Story:
When Andrew was in bloods he saw lots of illegal activites he liked it but when he saw lots of innocent peoples was killed by his own member he didnt like it and he saw leos save innocent people life like a hero he decided to join leos as a National Guard Officer to save his country from terrorist and save people from gang members after that he went to NG hq and ask for his joinning people makes laugh of him because he was in bloods gang after this he do lots good work save people without carrying his life and by this activity NG seee the hard work of him to join and he got hired by NG but Andrew still have illegal type and bad minded of thing like having bribes and dont obey the laws and taking drugs etc and he becomed a curropted soilder


1- Andrew can kidnap, rob or kill in secluded areas - applies to criminals or people (Following gen 6.16)

2- Andrew can get leave the suspect by taking bribes and guns (100k)

3- Andrew may confiscate or take weapons from gang members and other criminals for his own use

4- Andrew Can sell illegal items in black market

5- Andrew can deny for his ID to hide his identity

6- Andrew can lie or deny a detainee's request for a lawyer or attorney

7- Andrew may participate in criminal activities alone or with friends or family.(Killing, Robbing, Kidnapping, Torturing) in ghetto or in secluded areas

8- Andrew can search for hidden cameras and microphones and smash them if needed by using /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.

9- Andrew can break IC laws due to his corruption.

10 - Andrew can disobey and break firearm law and all IC laws made by the government

Sultan Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 1: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16,GH 1.8)
Outcome 2: (Cant Force Him For Weapons/ ammos)
Outcome 3: (Cant Force Him For Weapons/ ammos)
Outcome 7: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16,GH 1.8)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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