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On consideration OG Thugs | Unofficial Organization

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Feb 26, 2023
Family Name - OG THUGS
Family Owner - Ruthless Zodiac | 98413
Family House No - 685
Family Owner Discord Id - theozodiac
Family Owner Forum Profile : TheOZodiac


Zodiac was born in the city of Los Santos. He had a gift for understanding people and was a natural problem solver. He had an idea to create his own family and name it the OG Thugs. He recruited like-minded people to join his team and they set out to find a place to call their own.

The OG Thugs found an abandoned warehouse in a less desirable part of town and began to make it their own. They cleaned up the place, installed security systems and developed a code of honor. Zodiac's vision was to use the skills of the group to make a difference in the city.

The OG Thugs were respected by the residents of Los Santos. Zodiac was a leader who was respected and admired by all. The OG Thugs had become a symbol of hope and made a real difference in the city.

Family Logo:


-Know the Basic RP rules

Shooter- A member who can join events

Gangster-Trusted people

Thug-Members Who Have Been Active In Family Events

Manager-Doing Fam Raids And and Hostage situations

Turfer-Good in shooting skills

Under Deputy -Manage all the family business and family holdings

Deputy-Manage all the Family Events

Co leader-Control the family

Leader-Owner of the Family

Family Rules:

Respect all family member
Follow the order of High Command
Do not break any RP rules

Family Goals:

1.Take part in the Top 10
2.To buy more business.
3.To be the best family.

Family Clothes:

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