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Phoenix Ez

Gangs on Top !!
Nov 22, 2024
Organization: NG

Name: Phoenix Mayank


Age (IC): 16

Nationality: indian

Place of Birth: India

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Brown

Hair color:Black

Tattoos: Right Arm

Strengths: Good communication skills, Good Driving skill,Helping everyone

Weakness: Trust everyone, Frustration issue

Life Story: 100+ Words

Phoenix Mayank was born in midlde class

Family in india and faces many issues my completed his school by facing so many poblems . But after he thought that he need to earn money so i He went to los santos an joined a criminal gang and done some crimes but didn’t earned that much money to fulfill all the problems. But he don’t want to join gangs and do illegal stuffs but someone is forcing him to do and he wanted to do legal activities so that he can save the city from crimes and make every citizen safe.

Career Story: 100+ Words

Phoenix Mayank just after going in los santos joined a gang and did some illegal activities.But one day he thought to leave gang and go to government so he went to government but first they weren’t hiring me so he worked upon himself and got hired and after doing so much hardwork he became dhod and after that he got a transfer to Lspd and become a high command and again he got a transfer to Fib and got rank 23 and i last he went Sahp to handle criminals in sandy shores.And nlw he is still working in sahp as a Dhod of a department called highway patrol.and now he is In Ng as Brigadier general and handling Military Police.


1- Phoenix can kidnap, rob or kill in secluded areas - applies to criminals or people (Following gr 6.16)

2- Phoenix can get leave the suspect by taking bribes and guns (100k)

3- Phoenix may confiscate or take weapons from gang members and other criminals for his own use

4- Phoenix Can sell illegal items in black market

5- Phoenix can deny for his ID to hide his identity

6- Phoenix can lie or deny a detainee's request for a lawyer or attorney

7- Phoenix may participate in criminal activities alone or with friends or family.(Killing, Robbing, Kidnapping, Torturing) in ghetto or in secluded areas

8- Phoenix can search for hidden cameras and microphones and smash them if needed by using /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.

9- Phoenix can break IC laws due to his corruption.

10 - Phoenix can disobey and break firearm law and all IC laws made by the government

Sultan Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 1: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16,GH 1.8)
Outcome 2: (Cant Force For Guns/ Ammos)
Outcome 7: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16,GH 1.8)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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