- Joined
- Jan 19, 2025
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- 2
Hello LeBron,
I am bryden i am banned for blacklist and i created this forum account today. So let me introduce myself to you i am bryden i got blacklisted from EN3 for a reason "threatening admins" by Floki. (Reviewed - Wrong decision | Light Moon + Princes targaryen ( only for Adham )(
First of all i wrote complaint about admins in that forum the comlain was against Princes targyen and Light moon. In the case of light moon he punished me incorrectly the reason was ( Toxicity x6 ) on that day when he punished me i didnt even did wrote 6 time on CC how he can punish me for toxicity 6x ( 500 minutes ) all proofs are given in that forum you check that everything about this toxicity case is explained there in brief. Now Princes targyen case first of all i sent her a video ( Link of the video -
) on her *DMS* she banned me from Grand rp discord and other EN03 discord reason - Disrespecting admins i didnt even chatted on those server nor promoted this videos on those server how she can ban me from there for these reason its her DM not grand rp discord. When i asked her for the reason she said me "SHUT UP" which is clear ADMIN TOXICITY if normal player say "shutup" to admin we get 30 days ban 7 days ban for this. What about admins? they can disrespect us? its totally unfair she should me admin blacklisted. Proofs related to these case -
Proof 1 - ( Mute proof )
Proof 2 - ( Discord ban proof )
Proof 3 - ( Princes Targyen toxicity proof )
She can block me from her DM for that but cant ban me on discord , she is totaly abusing her power on players.
I reported this all to Adham on vc ( proof - ) what i reported-
1. A illegal server
2. 1 corrupt admin
3. Princes Targyen
I shared my screen and showed proof of each and everything and DMS as well she said as he is busy today he will investigate the case Tomorrow but even after many weeks nor i was unbanned nor that Corrupt admin got banned. So let me tell about that corrupt admin he is derek wix proof about derek wix corruption-
1. Proof 1 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( admin asking for cheats )
2. Proof 2 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Leaking admin info )
3. Proof 3 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Admin Toxicity )
4. Proof 4 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Tried to convince me not to report him ) ( The SS is cropped from left side because privacy its my private instagram DMS)
5. Proof 5 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Tried to convince me ) ( The SS is cropped from left side because privacy its my private instagram DMS)
I reported about his Leaking admin info to Adham and he said he will investigate this matter on ( 7/1/25 ) ( the day after VC ) but the admin was not banned for anything even after 1 or 2 weeks he was admin and was doing admin stuff. This shows that Adham didnt took any actions nor tried to investigate which clearly shows his BIASEDNESS toward his own admins. Later on i reported a admin name LauraDsouza ( MR WINGS YT CHANNEL ) about his project and server disrespect on 7/1/25 proof where i reported - https://imgur.com/undefined . This guy got banned and admin blacklisted after being banned he started making such kind of videos which disrespect PROJECT proof -
Proof 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QdpNBv09A
Proof 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPbiVKkC53Q
I didnt reported this in their DM thought they are aware now and they will take actions themselves but they didnt took any kind of actions SO I AM NOT REPORTING THIS GUY TO GET HIM BANNED I JUST WANNA SHOW THAT ADMINS ARE NOT WORKING PROPERLY.
Lets come back to Derek's case he was not banned after reporting to Adham. Then i reported him to Eray on 10/01/25 and Eray cooperated and asked for more proofs about him and i am sure he was not punished till 16th and on 17th i noticed his roles was removed from forums and still i dont know he got actual ban or removal from admin. and second thing these SS were so effective how it can take a week to ban him he srsly asked for illegeal redux and did toxicity you can ask any hindi admin to review those Screen shots ! . I hope you understand that even Higher admin like Adham is biased and trying his best to save his admins.
Let us move to another case the biasedness of Eray Black
So for a example let us take Ghost Xnox case he got banned for Having a conversation with a guy who used cheats proof
( Rejected - Ban for Cheats | Eray Black (Only For Adham)) He just have a conversation he didnt used nor asked for cheats. Whereas this guy "Micheal smoke" which is EX- NG leader he asked for cheats to me proof -
Here he asked for cheats and i reported it to Eray black as soon as possible proof -
I reported to Fedrico too but as he is blacklisted now i cant report him. As you can see Eray didnt took any action and the id is still unbanned
. Like when some people get ban for just having a conversation with a guy who is offering them cheats then why these guys are unbanned for asking for cheats?
And very last topic my BLACKLIST
I got blacklisted becuase of this forum Reviewed - Wrong decision | Light Moon + Princes targaryen ( only for Adham ) i agree i was rude on that forum but there was not something which lead me to server blacklist + Forum BAN. First thing he took this line " if we start targeting u guys half of the admin team will be banned or blacklisted." How this is an admin threat? first of all its clearly express the awareness of Floki toward corruption of his admin team and he agree that if someone target their admin the admins will be banned or bl. So i dont think so i threatened any admins it was in genral and i request a Blacklist removal and to change the punishment of blacklist to 60 or 30 days ban. I am assisting this admin team from very past reporting cheaters as well as ban evaders many are reported by me like decent smoke or others i have reported them to Adham in his dm even he checked my DM on vc multiple times you can ask him. And if i am helping admins to find corrupts how it is Targeting ? i request you to unban me
My forum ban
Floki banned my forum on the same day of my blacklist. First of all there are many people who are blacklisted from the EN03 server and their forums are not banned. Then why my forum is banned i didnt even posted a unban appeal forum he didnt gave me chance to prove myself He just banned my forum which is stoping me to playing other servers ! . I request you to unban my forum too as there was no violation on the forums and my forum is banned for no reason !
I am bryden i am banned for blacklist and i created this forum account today. So let me introduce myself to you i am bryden i got blacklisted from EN3 for a reason "threatening admins" by Floki. (Reviewed - Wrong decision | Light Moon + Princes targaryen ( only for Adham )(
First of all i wrote complaint about admins in that forum the comlain was against Princes targyen and Light moon. In the case of light moon he punished me incorrectly the reason was ( Toxicity x6 ) on that day when he punished me i didnt even did wrote 6 time on CC how he can punish me for toxicity 6x ( 500 minutes ) all proofs are given in that forum you check that everything about this toxicity case is explained there in brief. Now Princes targyen case first of all i sent her a video ( Link of the video -
Proof 1 - ( Mute proof )
Proof 2 - ( Discord ban proof )
Proof 3 - ( Princes Targyen toxicity proof )
She can block me from her DM for that but cant ban me on discord , she is totaly abusing her power on players.
I reported this all to Adham on vc ( proof - ) what i reported-
1. A illegal server
2. 1 corrupt admin
3. Princes Targyen
I shared my screen and showed proof of each and everything and DMS as well she said as he is busy today he will investigate the case Tomorrow but even after many weeks nor i was unbanned nor that Corrupt admin got banned. So let me tell about that corrupt admin he is derek wix proof about derek wix corruption-
1. Proof 1 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( admin asking for cheats )
2. Proof 2 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Leaking admin info )
3. Proof 3 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Admin Toxicity )
4. Proof 4 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Tried to convince me not to report him ) ( The SS is cropped from left side because privacy its my private instagram DMS)
5. Proof 5 - https://imgur.com/undefined ( Tried to convince me ) ( The SS is cropped from left side because privacy its my private instagram DMS)
I reported about his Leaking admin info to Adham and he said he will investigate this matter on ( 7/1/25 ) ( the day after VC ) but the admin was not banned for anything even after 1 or 2 weeks he was admin and was doing admin stuff. This shows that Adham didnt took any actions nor tried to investigate which clearly shows his BIASEDNESS toward his own admins. Later on i reported a admin name LauraDsouza ( MR WINGS YT CHANNEL ) about his project and server disrespect on 7/1/25 proof where i reported - https://imgur.com/undefined . This guy got banned and admin blacklisted after being banned he started making such kind of videos which disrespect PROJECT proof -
Proof 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QdpNBv09A
Proof 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPbiVKkC53Q
I didnt reported this in their DM thought they are aware now and they will take actions themselves but they didnt took any kind of actions SO I AM NOT REPORTING THIS GUY TO GET HIM BANNED I JUST WANNA SHOW THAT ADMINS ARE NOT WORKING PROPERLY.
Lets come back to Derek's case he was not banned after reporting to Adham. Then i reported him to Eray on 10/01/25 and Eray cooperated and asked for more proofs about him and i am sure he was not punished till 16th and on 17th i noticed his roles was removed from forums and still i dont know he got actual ban or removal from admin. and second thing these SS were so effective how it can take a week to ban him he srsly asked for illegeal redux and did toxicity you can ask any hindi admin to review those Screen shots ! . I hope you understand that even Higher admin like Adham is biased and trying his best to save his admins.
Let us move to another case the biasedness of Eray Black
So for a example let us take Ghost Xnox case he got banned for Having a conversation with a guy who used cheats proof
( Rejected - Ban for Cheats | Eray Black (Only For Adham)) He just have a conversation he didnt used nor asked for cheats. Whereas this guy "Micheal smoke" which is EX- NG leader he asked for cheats to me proof -
Here he asked for cheats and i reported it to Eray black as soon as possible proof -

I reported to Fedrico too but as he is blacklisted now i cant report him. As you can see Eray didnt took any action and the id is still unbanned
And very last topic my BLACKLIST
I got blacklisted becuase of this forum Reviewed - Wrong decision | Light Moon + Princes targaryen ( only for Adham ) i agree i was rude on that forum but there was not something which lead me to server blacklist + Forum BAN. First thing he took this line " if we start targeting u guys half of the admin team will be banned or blacklisted." How this is an admin threat? first of all its clearly express the awareness of Floki toward corruption of his admin team and he agree that if someone target their admin the admins will be banned or bl. So i dont think so i threatened any admins it was in genral and i request a Blacklist removal and to change the punishment of blacklist to 60 or 30 days ban. I am assisting this admin team from very past reporting cheaters as well as ban evaders many are reported by me like decent smoke or others i have reported them to Adham in his dm even he checked my DM on vc multiple times you can ask him. And if i am helping admins to find corrupts how it is Targeting ? i request you to unban me
My forum ban
Floki banned my forum on the same day of my blacklist. First of all there are many people who are blacklisted from the EN03 server and their forums are not banned. Then why my forum is banned i didnt even posted a unban appeal forum he didnt gave me chance to prove myself He just banned my forum which is stoping me to playing other servers ! . I request you to unban my forum too as there was no violation on the forums and my forum is banned for no reason !