- Joined
- Sep 11, 2023
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- 79
1. Vansh
2.17 (18 next month)
3. Time zone: GMT + 5
4. Average online per day: 7-11 hours
5. Your Discord: sexa_lime
6. Your Nickname: Sozo Flawless
7. Your ID: 11003
Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. In my journey of Grand rp Especially city 2 and 3 combined, frankly i have spent most my times in Legal orgs esspecially LSPD and it was the main ground I started my legal career. Learning the basics at that time was a little bit tough for me but as the time passed it was easy for me to do basic tasks and other things related to the org. As Climbing ranks day by day I finally made it to HOD of S.W.A.T and guided my team with perfection and smoothness. After seeing many new officers being trained the worng way and not getting proper knowlege by the HR department I decided to change my Department to Human resources. Till that date I have never left HR department and conituned to HR in every single Org i have been a part of wether it be SAHP/FIB and NG and now after many days I have decied to land myself in the boots of a Leader and lead LSPD with proper regulations and ensure that it will run smoothly.
2. LSPD being considered the training ground and the start of ones legal career it is very important that people who joined LSPD will get proper guidance and trainings. In my journey I have noticed a bit too much of favoritism in Orgs regarding the ranks and the ones who are truly deserving for it gets left behind and are covered in the dark. I will properly lead the org and keep notice on everyones activity and make sure the ones who are truly deserving have gotten their desired postition. I have also noticed that there is somekind of tension where a high commad sometimes disregards a new officer but in my eyes it will not happen every officer in my eyes is equal and helps to run the organization smoothly.
3. Talking about the activity of LSPD in events let it be store robbery/ gun store or hostage situation there is a bit of deficiany in the numbers of officers in LSPD especially. I will ensure that every officer of mine participates in the events and situations and makes the name of LSPD shine. There are some new people in the org who do not attened a event, rather being scared of rule breakes or not proper conduct, I will make their fears go away by telling them of which situatiion they may avoid which regulates a rule break and tell them every time before an event to refreshes his/ her bodycam in the sense of a valid bodycam. Make them ready for their future experiences in other legal orgs. Also I have seen many officers using unmarked cars when they are not undercover and the ones who are actually undercover get their identity blown as the people already know the colour of the cars so, i will make a seperate colour for the cars and store them in the swat gagrage so it will be only used by undercover people to ensure that their cover will be maintained.
1. Human Resources Team (H.R)
This department is considered as the most important as this is where everything for a normal person changes it guides them to their path of becoming a successful police officer. This department is the roots of LSPD through which a officer is properly trained and set ready for his/her work. I will ensure that this department gets the best of staff , basically people who are hard working and does his/her work with honesty and sincerely. For this department i will encourage each and every member of this team to create an Bodycam of the interview they take so that we can ensure that people with proper knowlledge gets into the org and no corruption/ favoritism is done while taking ones interview. Also a proper video guide will be created of how to give fines/ arrest with proper knowledge where rule breaks can happen , it will be provided afterwards the training so that if the trainee has any doubts he/she can watch the video or connect with the Hr team to solve their problem. Also rules like lethal / non- lethal force would be brought in daylight as this is a much important rule.
2. Internal Affairs Team (I.A)
This is also an important department as to maintain professionalism inside the org and the proper code of conduct to be carried out. Again the people with proper knowledge and passion about this work would be hired and given full rights to interfere into any situation that includes personal org related matters whether it be internal dispute or misconduct. This department will insure that everything works properly inside the org and everyone is working professionally wether it be transmitting on org radio or talking with other org members. It will be insured that this department will do regular log checks to maintain decorum and too see if the officer is doing everything fine. There will be License check every 7 days regarding the time limit of health insurance and regular trunk inspections to ensure no officer is carrying any illegal items in their vehicle.
3. Parking Enforcement Team (P.E)
This department is responsible for carrying out day to day activites and specializes in giving fines and towing vehicles to keep the road of Los santos cleaned and fines as in to remind people to not leave their vehicle on the road or illegally parked on any area. This department monitors the basic activites down by every officer such as giving fine to illegally parked vehicles to towing abandoned vehicles. You might think why even make this department if the officer can carry out this activiy without even joining this department, this department will actually offer bounses in return for the officers work to encourage them to continue doing their work and will also motivate them . This department will also correct fine/tow mistakes and If an officer needs retraining specifically about towing and fines he/she will be sent for retraining under this department or if the members of this department are absent he/she will be taught again by the HR.
4. Special wepons and tactics (S.W.A.T)
This department will specialize in special opteration alias spec ops, it will carry out ghetto patrol within the org and also call for a ghetto patrol with other orgs which would be leaded by LSPD and by the members of S.W.A.T. This team will give knowledge about special operations to other member wether they be in the S.W.A.T department or not. This will tell them about Dos/nots in an spec ops and how to act and how to not. It will also give them proper knowlege about gang raids and will teach them how to search trunks and what are the requirement such as 3 people nessasary and what commands are needed and to shoot gang members with demands after the raid starts, basically all the rules which are required for the org to perform without any let downs and also how to act in a store robbery/ hostage situation in the absese of FIB and how to negotiate and how to process demands. In short, this team will insure that LSPD works properly in these situations.
5. Under cover or guriella troops ( UC/ G.T)
This department has its special way or working or rather be classified as detectives. this department will work in a secretive way that will moniter criminal activites discreatly while have LSPD uniforms but I want to ad uniforms that would not look like lspd into the department and also some cars only reserved for them in the swat garage with differnt dark colours as to not let their identiy get revealed / busted. This department can arrange arms deal to catch actual criminals who are supplying drugs/ wepons. this team can aslo take evidences and submit it to government or FIB for the approval of the evidences as in the from of casefile/ supima (if i pronounced that right). This department can go in beach market but with org vehicles with other colour than the normal cars and outfits that are new and discreet to looked as civilans. these cars/ outfits will be only used by G.T. / U.C others who are caught using these will get a strike or punished other way.
Chain of Commands
1. Vansh
2.17 (18 next month)
3. Time zone: GMT + 5
4. Average online per day: 7-11 hours
5. Your Discord: sexa_lime
6. Your Nickname: Sozo Flawless
7. Your ID: 11003
Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. In my journey of Grand rp Especially city 2 and 3 combined, frankly i have spent most my times in Legal orgs esspecially LSPD and it was the main ground I started my legal career. Learning the basics at that time was a little bit tough for me but as the time passed it was easy for me to do basic tasks and other things related to the org. As Climbing ranks day by day I finally made it to HOD of S.W.A.T and guided my team with perfection and smoothness. After seeing many new officers being trained the worng way and not getting proper knowlege by the HR department I decided to change my Department to Human resources. Till that date I have never left HR department and conituned to HR in every single Org i have been a part of wether it be SAHP/FIB and NG and now after many days I have decied to land myself in the boots of a Leader and lead LSPD with proper regulations and ensure that it will run smoothly.
2. LSPD being considered the training ground and the start of ones legal career it is very important that people who joined LSPD will get proper guidance and trainings. In my journey I have noticed a bit too much of favoritism in Orgs regarding the ranks and the ones who are truly deserving for it gets left behind and are covered in the dark. I will properly lead the org and keep notice on everyones activity and make sure the ones who are truly deserving have gotten their desired postition. I have also noticed that there is somekind of tension where a high commad sometimes disregards a new officer but in my eyes it will not happen every officer in my eyes is equal and helps to run the organization smoothly.
3. Talking about the activity of LSPD in events let it be store robbery/ gun store or hostage situation there is a bit of deficiany in the numbers of officers in LSPD especially. I will ensure that every officer of mine participates in the events and situations and makes the name of LSPD shine. There are some new people in the org who do not attened a event, rather being scared of rule breakes or not proper conduct, I will make their fears go away by telling them of which situatiion they may avoid which regulates a rule break and tell them every time before an event to refreshes his/ her bodycam in the sense of a valid bodycam. Make them ready for their future experiences in other legal orgs. Also I have seen many officers using unmarked cars when they are not undercover and the ones who are actually undercover get their identity blown as the people already know the colour of the cars so, i will make a seperate colour for the cars and store them in the swat gagrage so it will be only used by undercover people to ensure that their cover will be maintained.
1. Human Resources Team (H.R)
This department is considered as the most important as this is where everything for a normal person changes it guides them to their path of becoming a successful police officer. This department is the roots of LSPD through which a officer is properly trained and set ready for his/her work. I will ensure that this department gets the best of staff , basically people who are hard working and does his/her work with honesty and sincerely. For this department i will encourage each and every member of this team to create an Bodycam of the interview they take so that we can ensure that people with proper knowlledge gets into the org and no corruption/ favoritism is done while taking ones interview. Also a proper video guide will be created of how to give fines/ arrest with proper knowledge where rule breaks can happen , it will be provided afterwards the training so that if the trainee has any doubts he/she can watch the video or connect with the Hr team to solve their problem. Also rules like lethal / non- lethal force would be brought in daylight as this is a much important rule.
2. Internal Affairs Team (I.A)
This is also an important department as to maintain professionalism inside the org and the proper code of conduct to be carried out. Again the people with proper knowledge and passion about this work would be hired and given full rights to interfere into any situation that includes personal org related matters whether it be internal dispute or misconduct. This department will insure that everything works properly inside the org and everyone is working professionally wether it be transmitting on org radio or talking with other org members. It will be insured that this department will do regular log checks to maintain decorum and too see if the officer is doing everything fine. There will be License check every 7 days regarding the time limit of health insurance and regular trunk inspections to ensure no officer is carrying any illegal items in their vehicle.
3. Parking Enforcement Team (P.E)
This department is responsible for carrying out day to day activites and specializes in giving fines and towing vehicles to keep the road of Los santos cleaned and fines as in to remind people to not leave their vehicle on the road or illegally parked on any area. This department monitors the basic activites down by every officer such as giving fine to illegally parked vehicles to towing abandoned vehicles. You might think why even make this department if the officer can carry out this activiy without even joining this department, this department will actually offer bounses in return for the officers work to encourage them to continue doing their work and will also motivate them . This department will also correct fine/tow mistakes and If an officer needs retraining specifically about towing and fines he/she will be sent for retraining under this department or if the members of this department are absent he/she will be taught again by the HR.
4. Special wepons and tactics (S.W.A.T)
This department will specialize in special opteration alias spec ops, it will carry out ghetto patrol within the org and also call for a ghetto patrol with other orgs which would be leaded by LSPD and by the members of S.W.A.T. This team will give knowledge about special operations to other member wether they be in the S.W.A.T department or not. This will tell them about Dos/nots in an spec ops and how to act and how to not. It will also give them proper knowlege about gang raids and will teach them how to search trunks and what are the requirement such as 3 people nessasary and what commands are needed and to shoot gang members with demands after the raid starts, basically all the rules which are required for the org to perform without any let downs and also how to act in a store robbery/ hostage situation in the absese of FIB and how to negotiate and how to process demands. In short, this team will insure that LSPD works properly in these situations.
5. Under cover or guriella troops ( UC/ G.T)
This department has its special way or working or rather be classified as detectives. this department will work in a secretive way that will moniter criminal activites discreatly while have LSPD uniforms but I want to ad uniforms that would not look like lspd into the department and also some cars only reserved for them in the swat garage with differnt dark colours as to not let their identiy get revealed / busted. This department can arrange arms deal to catch actual criminals who are supplying drugs/ wepons. this team can aslo take evidences and submit it to government or FIB for the approval of the evidences as in the from of casefile/ supima (if i pronounced that right). This department can go in beach market but with org vehicles with other colour than the normal cars and outfits that are new and discreet to looked as civilans. these cars/ outfits will be only used by G.T. / U.C others who are caught using these will get a strike or punished other way.
Chain of Commands
30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney (If the goverment allows me to keep)
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector
21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended
=======Regards Sozo Flawless=======
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney (If the goverment allows me to keep)
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector
21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended
=======Regards Sozo Flawless=======