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Rejected Unban appeal 4.1 for the curator of the Project

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Dec 26, 2021


Travis Slumpgod

Warum wurdest du gebannt?
Allg. Regel 4.1

Wie lang wurdest du gebannt?
9999 Tage

Wie lang läuft deine Strafe noch?
9437 Tage

Wieso sollten wir dich Entbannen?
I had already submitted an admin complaint because I was unfairly banned ( Rejected - Admin Complaint against Johnson Baron ). At the time of the ban, I was neither offered a PC check nor any other opportunity to prove my innocence instead, I was banned immediately. As a result, I submitted a complaint on the forum, after which another admin eventually gave me the chance to undergo a PC check to prove my innocence.

Unfortunately, at that time, I was only rarely active on Grand – at most once a week – and therefore did not take advantage of the opportunity. Looking back, I realize that it was a mistake not to use this chance, and I deeply regret it.

During my time on Grand, I made many friendships and had great experiences. I sincerely hope that I will still have the opportunity to stay in touch with my friends and continue playing with them. Additionally, I would like to sincerely apologize for my misconduct towards both players and admins. I hope that my apology, as well as my promise to improve, will be taken into consideration after such a long time. i accept every decission u make and would fully be fine to get my account money wiped and everything just to play with these people again.

thank you for your time.

Kind regards

Johnson Baron

GrandRP DE02
Deputy Chief Administrator
Dec 24, 2021
Hallo Travis,

dein Antrag wird hiermit aus folgendem Grund abgelehnt:

Es gibt keine Entbannungsanträge an die Projektleitung. In diesem Bereich geht es nur um Kulanz. Daher kann man ja auch das benötigte Prefix beim Erstellen nicht auswählen. Des Weiteren verstößt du gegen die Forumsregeln, da du wiederholt Threads zur selben Thematik einreichst. Dafür wirst du entsprechend sanktioniert.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Johnson Baron
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