First of all this person give you a half pov.
I got a call in my pda for a atm rob , and i go the location and he ran out when he saw me.
chase him for stop his car and
this person try to told u its rdm cause i hit him with my car.
but i leave him , when
i go ahed the person again hit me with his car u can see my pov.
i saw him again in the highway with
a holding gun and that time i see the atm robber id and his id same .
he is holding a gun
when he saw me when i came back beside him , for my self defense i shoot him if
that time i dont shoot him he killed me with his gun.
i shoot him and cuff him and i search him i see a
lockpick set and and
search inside the pda he have 1 star wanted by the state.
i give u my full pov -
Full POV