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NiK Legendz

All The Best
Feb 13, 2024
Personal Information
Name IRL: Aarav Tandon
Age: 16 (About to be 17)
Time Zone: GMT +5:30 (IST)
Average Online Per Day: 4-5 hours (more on weekends)
Discord: nikroyy
Nickname: NiKK Legendz

ID: 352006
Past Experience
• DHOD of MP/IA in NG 2x Terms (Rank 25)
• DHOD of PR in NG 2x Terms (Rank 25)
• DHOD of IA in LSPD 2x Terms (Rank 25)
• DHOD of PR in LSPD 1x Term (Rank 25)
• Supervisor of HRT in LSPD 1x Term (Rank 24)
• DHOD of HRT in SAHP 1x Term (Rank 25)
• Captain of HRT in SAHP 1x Term
• DeputyDirector of HRT in GOV 1x Term
• USSS Commander in GOV 1x Term


Leader Of National Guard

Why do I want to be the Leader Of National Guard

My Experience.
I've spent almost 4 terms now for National Guard 1st was of Mr Mia Herby, 2nd and 3rd of Mrs Samantha Parker, 4th for Mr Uday Cartel. By holding the rank 25 National Guard and me had a great experience with each other.

Unity and Discipline.
“Harmony in Unity, Hope for Humanity.”
The most important thing in Life is "Unity and Discipline". In my term, I will ensure that we have both the unity and discipline in our soldiers. I would also ensure that we have the coordination with other Legal Orgs.

Changes and Resolving the Mistakes in previous terms.
In my term, i would bring the changes that would be followed in future terms also. Also the terms I have been has done many mistakes, one common in all of them was 'favouritism'. I would fix the mistakes and make our term rememberable.

Advice For Improving RolePlay in the Organisation

No Favouritism.

The Biggest Enemy Of The Reputation of Any Organisation, "Favouritism". As I have mentioned before about Favouritism in the application, It is one of the most common reason for people leaving the organisation. Even I have been a victim of favouritism and I have felt the feeling after facing it. According to me, favouritism shall not be done by anyone. No matter what their rank is, if the crime is done then he/she must receive punishment.

Providing World-Class Training.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” The reputation of any organisation is maintained by the members of the organisation. If the members won't get Good quality of education, how would they keep the reputation? In my opinion, we must seriously take the topic of training.

Hiring Highly Experienced, Mature people.
We must hire highly experienced and Mature people at our organisation to keep running the RolePlay and Organisation Smoothly.

Departments Within The Organisation

Air Force

Air Force will do the air tasks, including regular scouts, transportation missions and will be helping with backup for urgent missions.

Military Police
Military Police will ensure that everything runs smoothly in the organisation, by conducting regular trunk inspections, bodycam checks, licence and background checks. They will also ensure that no soldier is breaking any rule or guideline of the organisation. Military Police will also be doing regular City Patrols ensuring security of the citizens.

Human Resources
"The Backbone of any Organisation "Human Resources". The Human Resources will focus towards the recruitment and good quality training of the soldiers. They will also perform activity checks, daily recruitment and more!

SWAT (Special Weaponry And Tactics)
Special Weaponry And Tactics will be responding to Globals and Critical Situations, maintaining an good reputation between the Legal and Illegal Orgs.

Public Relations
Public Relations will be organising daily public events, that will fascinate people and will develop an great image of our organisation.

Rank Structure


Enlisted Ranks
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant
First Sergeant
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army

Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks

Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 3
Chief Warrant Officer 2
Chief Warrant Officer 1
Master Warrant Officer

Commissioned Officer Ranks
Chief Warrant Officer
2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant

High Command Ranks
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
"Warriors Are Not Born, They are made in National Guard"
- NiKK Legendz
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