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Rejected LSPD corrupt Bio | Zoro DHellKing | 27513

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Founder of Hell Kings community
Jan 28, 2023
Organization: Los Santos Police Department

Name: Zoro DHellking
Gender: Male
Age(IC): 78 years
Nationality: Syria
Place of Birth: Damascus
Sexuality: hetrosexuality
Eye color: blue
Hair color: Green
Tattoos: back and chest
Strengths: Good observation skills and management skills, picky, careful, excelant Pilot
Weakness: Greed, Wrath, Pride

Life Story:
Zoro was born in Damascus in 2002 as the only child of a middle-class family. He had ordinary childhood and ordinary education life. He completed and graduated from Military Pilot with Perfect score. Zoro moved to Los Santos due to some personal reasons in Syria. First of his days he was working as taxi cab driver. He was saving his money to buy himself a home. One day, when he is working he get kidnapped and robbed by armed robberies. After that day everything went bad for him. He couldn't hold himself and decided to take bad actions. He had zero knowledge and zero experience and yet managed to join Bloods gang. First days in gang he was making money and some useful materials. One day, while on a job for the gang, he got caught by legal forces and sentenced to jail for his crime. During his time in prison, he realized that he had lost everything he had worked hard for.

Career Story:
Zoro's career progressed, he began to feel the weight of the responsibility that came with his rank and position. Despite his dedication to his country and his fellow Officers, he found himself struggling to balance the demands of Carrier life with his personal desires and needs.
Over time, Zoro began to feel disillusioned and jaded, and he started to see his position as an Officer to an end rather than a calling. He became more and more corrupt, using his power and influence to bend the rules and line his own pockets.
Zoro's corruption eventually caught up with him, and he was caught embezzling funds from the military. He was brought up on charges and faced a court martial. Despite his pleas of innocence, Zoro was found guilty and sentenced to a long prison term.
As he sat in his cell, Zoro couldn't help but think about all the opportunities he had wasted and the people he had hurt. He knew that he had let his greed and ambition get the better of him, and he deeply regretted his actions.
Despite his remorse, Zoro knew that he had to pay for his mistakes and vowed to turn his life around. He spent his time in prison working to better himself and to make amends for the harm he had caused.
When he was finally released from prison, Zoro was a changed man. He had learned from his mistakes and was determined to live his life with integrity and purpose. He returned to his hometown and devoted himself to helping others, working to make a positive difference in the world.
In the end, Zoro's life had been a journey filled with highs and lows, but he emerged stronger and wiser for all that he had experienced. He knew that he still had much to learn and much to give, and he looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead.

1. Zoro is able to receive bribes up to 100K maximum and letting someone go.

2. Zoro is allowed to use illegal weapons on or off duty.

3. Zoro is able to try to break any kind of bodycams of civilians or officers. (/try twice per situation)

4. Zoro is allowed to attend illegal activies with his family or friends. (not against leo's)

5. Zoro is able to pick up weapons off the ground and keep them for himself after the fight is over.

6. Zoro is allowed to sell goods at the Black Market. (except organization stuff and items)

7. Zoro is able to help his friends or family members to escape from custody or remove them from the wanted list.

8. Zoro is able to take criminals weapon insted of confiscating it.

9. Zoro is able to lie abot request of a lawyer.

10. Zoro can leak classified information to friends, family or gangs for money.

MuDe Titans

Oct 26, 2023
Have fun and follow the rules!
Wait For Approval From Senior State Curator

Sultan Pluxury

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Mar 12, 2022

Outcome 4: (Must Follow GR 6.15, GR 6.16, GH 1.8, SR 5.5)
Outcome 5: (No Organization Weapons / items)

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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