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Feb 13, 2023
  • Family name: The Mandem
  • Family house number: 970
  • Leaders' name and ID ingame: 149351, Kanye Reincarnated
  • Leaders' forum link: Kanye | Grand Role Play | Forum
  • Leaders' Discord name and user ID: kanye889 , 396285879871602689

Family story

After Kanye’s friends abandoned him in the city, he made the decision to start a family, one that they would recognize when they eventually returned, as they had promised. Despite the hardships of being left alone with no help, Kanye persevered, holding on to the hope that his friends would come back one day. Eventually, that day arrived. Jonny, Charlie, Mazen and Jimbo returned to the city, ready to lend a hand and join Kanye in building something great. They worked tirelessly, pouring time and money into their vision. They quickly rose to prominence, scouting new recruits to join their cause. Yet, something still wasn’t clicking. Despite their efforts, things just weren’t falling into place.After much thought, they decided to hold off on their plans and wait for the right moment to build a new family, one that would be feared and respected by all. And so, ‘The Mandem’ was born.

Family goals
  • Reach top 10
  • Have a good quantity of quality members
  • Expand our business ownership
  • Make the family known throughout the city

Family rules
  • Respect eachother
  • Follow the server rules
  • Be Active

Family ranking and explanation per rank

  • 1 Youngsta – A new recuit ready to rise the ranks
  • 2 Soldier – One who gets a bit familiar with the family
  • 3 Shooter – One who pulls up to events and communicates with others
  • 4 Master – One who has been in the family quite a while and is also very active
  • 5 Turfer – One who participates in turfs for the family
  • 6 Mandem – OG members who have been there from day one
  • 7 Event Leader – One who leads events to victory
  • 8 Deputy – One who leads the family when the Founder is not there
  • 9 & 10 Founder – The original leaders who created the family
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