1. Your name IRL, Narain
2. Your age, 20
3. Time zone, EST
4. Average online per day, 6-10 hours per day
5. Your Discord jakieeex1
6. Your Nickname Bob Hili
7. Your ID, 113011
1. Leader of.
Since I started Grand RP in the starting of 2022, I have taken numerous leadership roles in EN1 as well as on EN3 later on once the server launched. I have gotten numerous lessons during the tenures of my leaderships. This would make me a capable person to lead the Federal Investigation Bureau and take the organization's role play to another level. I have previously led the undercover department in the FIB, doing the fastest raid season in English server 1 which was 25 raids in 20 days as well as the most raids conducted in EN1. By becoming the leader of the FIB, I will ensure that the 3 letters on the uniform of agents will be upheld.
Fidelity - Integrity - Bravery.
I am honest, consistent with my work, and transparent. Most importantly, I know how to lead a lot of people in a good manner. My goal for this term isn't just to win events. It is to shape the organization in a way where future leaders can continue the real legacy of the FIB. It's not just to show up with big numbers. But to have the quality in those numbers and make the organization great again.
Internally, I will focus on creating a realistic structure and using the implemented clearance levels. CSC, SSC, TSSC, TSSCI. This will be used to protect classified information and establish a clear chain of command. Additionally, I am looking forward to cooperating with other organizations with their special missions as well as conduct training in which we could make our tactics better as well as our shooting skills better. Due to the clearance levels, TSSC and TSSCI will get a briefing prior to gang raids and special missions that we do. These clearances will be used in a way where it benefits the organization instead of just having them there with no use.
Alongside this information, Due to the fact that we will start doing mission briefings to make better RP. We will be trying to limit the amount of gap there is between when we start calling agents and other legal orgs to the FIB HQ and the mission that we are conducting. I get it, people get bored waiting, and they end up actually leaving. I believe that if everyone starts coming faster it will be better for everyone, and the organization will rather have a positive attitude when lining up for special missions.
My plans for conducting trainings internally as well as with other organizations is as follows
We will be conducting routine training that organizations will take part in, and we will be working on improving our tactics. During these training we will be using tasers instead of lethal force as that would be completely non-RP. FIB will be leading a team as well as all other orgs. In this we will be doing simulations of NG raids, Hostage situations, etc. My goal is to make state organizations as best as they can be and have good quality state like how we used to have before. I believe that if you want your organization to succeed then you will need to as the leader be able to lead by example. We will do just that in my term and history will be recreated and everyone will see the FIB that they used to love and continue to love it in the future as well
During my term I will have 4 departments. Undercover Division, Human Resources, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit, and Special Operations. All these departments will have a part to play in my organization.
The Undercover Division is the heart of the FIB. It is responsible for the Observation and preservation of evidence of organized criminals and the surveillance of the criminals. The management of the undercover department transmits the evidence collected to the government. The goal is to keep the wanted list as empty as possible and to carry out as many raids as possible. (families and gangs).
Human Resources is in charge of training the agents of the Federal Investigation Bureau and ensuring that the legacy of the FIB is not being damaged. In an intensive training program the trainees acquire all the important skills needed to proclaim the 3 letters on the uniform. Fidelity - Integrity - Bravery Furthermore, they are to maintain internal order through strikes and administrative actions guaranteeing transparency and no corruption in the organization
The Special Anti-Terrorist Unit is in charge of tactical planning and executing special operations, they will be taking command during raids and conducting ghetto patrols in collaboration with other legal organizations. The SAU department is a specialized unit meaning that members can be a part of other departments Aswell as long as they qualify for them.
The Special Operations Unit is in charge of conducting patrols and operations in groups in collaboration with the SAU. THey should also focus on tracking and apprehending wanted criminals as well as confiscating illegal drugs. Solo Patrols will be minimized during my term as we will be working on working in teams rather than working in solo.
Internal Affairs headed by the Internal Affairs Captain, they will be the ones making sure there is no corruption or favoritism in the department. They will have a robust bonus system mainly for them to be conducting armory checks and tasks will be assigned to everyone. All agents will get background checked weekly and department reports will be issued. Our goal in this FIB term is to have a term that everyone can respect and look forward to whenever they apply for leader.
Additionally, there will be a set number of representatives that will represent our organization to the citizens. They will be in charge of doing press releases and interviews with Life invaders and inform the citizens on what operations we are conducting through the GOV Function.
In events, there will be a different hierarchy, when leading events the Chief of SAU and the HOD of SAU will take over. Alongside this the HOD of Spec Ops will collaborate so both sides can make a robust plan to neutralize the enemy team. Following that DHOD of departments and high commands will be able to lead if none of the above are available to assist. There will also be use of flank teams during high stake events such as gang raids, BM raids and Submarines protection.
Things I will do to make Roleplay better in the organization
Every week, we will be conducting high command and normal command meetings to make sure everyone can give their point of view on how the organization is working. I will plan on taking notes and showing these notes to the curators so we can work together to figure out any solutions or any fixes that need to be done to the organization.
I will introduce the concept of issuing permanent strikes to employees. These strikes will only be given for severe offenses. Such as defaming our organization or disrespectful behavior to other organizations or even internally. These strikes will only be given by the leadership (Senior Staff) Strict enforcement of rules will guarantee continuous order and discipline within the organization.
To fulfill the goal of having continuous order, we will be implementing a rigorous application process. We will introduce the concept of department-specification applications in which people would fill a different application to be invited to the organization as a part of a department. For this they will be required to have a lot of prior experiences and will only be given to the best people. Our goal all together will be ensuring that the core tasks of the FIB are carried out effectively which are raids.
During my term I will try different rank structures, these will be a limited number of changes but will be completely experimental. For now, I have changed the ranking structure with around 5-6 ranks, and I have attached the new rank system below. Having a good hierarchy that works for the entire organization could help reduce conflicts as well as make the jobs of our agents easier. If a structure is proven ineffective then we will change it.
For Promotions, we will be changing the system of promotions. Beyond the rank of Special Agent 1 promotions will be based on outstanding performance and dedication to their duties. We will have our human resources look at the patterns of on duty logs to make sure people don't come from Friday to Sunday so that they can get a free promotion. These department heads for all our departments are chosen very carefully and we are going to make sure that there is no favoritism in the organization.
A main thing that I want to try during my term is, I want corrupt agents of mine (Biographies) I want them to team up with other corrupt cops from other organizations and work together. Usually corrupt cops just kidnap other state employees and that hurts the relationship between orgs. I dont want this, Im not gonna lie I have also done this kidnapped other orgs but I think doing that was a mistake. It hurts relationships for no reason, and I think it will be beneficial if they work together to do corruption on civilians that are committing crimes such as gang members robbing stores.
My updated rank system is as follows:
Rank System
1 - Suspended
2 - Leave of Absence
3 - Jr. Agent I
4 - Jr. Agent II
5 - Field Agent 1
6 - Field Agent 2
7 - Field Agent 3
8 - Special Agent 1
9 - Special Agent 2
10 - Special Agent 3
11 - Senior Special Agent 1
12 - Senior Special Agent 2
13 - Senior Special Agent 3
14 - Elite Agent 1
15 - Elite Agent 2
16 - Elite Agent 3
17 - Senior Elite Agent 1
18 - Senior Elite Agent 2
19 - Senior Elite Agent 3
20 - Black Ops Agent 1
21 - Black Ops Agent 2
22 - Black Ops Agent 3
23 - Secret Agent
24 - Special Agent in Charge
25 - 00 Agent
26 - Deputy Head of Department
27 - Head of Department
28 - Chief of Staff
29 - Deputy Director
30 - FIB Director
Now I will explain all the changed ranks,
Firstly, we removed Assistant Director this was done to limit the high command positions in the organization. Having too many high commands can lead to conflicts and power trips which we don't want!
Secondly, the Executive Agent was removed again to limit the spots. Executive agent was added as a filler rank because people wanted to rank chase. I will remove this as I will not endorse rank chasing.
Third, Supervisor will be switched to Special Agent in Charge. My reasoning for this is that a Special Agent in Charge is a supervisory position that is responsible for overseeing operations in a specific division. Which is exactly what supervisors should be doing. I prefer using the more realistic name to endorse better RP in this scenario
Forth, Elite Senior Special Agent will be renamed to Senior Elite Agent. This is just for the easier understanding of the rank. As Elite Senior Special Agent doesn't actually sound like the senior version of Elite Agent but it sounds like Special Agent and Senior Special Agent.
Lastly, JR Agent II will be added. This will add an additional level of training. When a member is hired they will be placed at Jr Agent I. Phase 1 training which is basically just an introductory guide of the FIB that explains where everything is and what we as the organization stand for. Phase 2 and 3 training will be POV of an arrest and event attended. For Phase 2 and 3 they will be promoted to Jr Agent II so that they can complete their last steps of their training which will lead to them getting promoted to Field Agent I
To sum everything up, my main goal if I am given the opportunity to run an FIB term is to build a strong, high-quality term that will bring back the old FIB's success and process of leadership. I want to bring back the original FIB the one that dominated events, operated at its peak, and was genuinely fun for everyone.
Thank you for reading my application and I hope you liked it
Yours truly,
Bob Hill the FIB Farmer
1. Your name IRL, Narain
2. Your age, 20
3. Time zone, EST
4. Average online per day, 6-10 hours per day
5. Your Discord jakieeex1
6. Your Nickname Bob Hili
7. Your ID, 113011
1. Leader of.
Since I started Grand RP in the starting of 2022, I have taken numerous leadership roles in EN1 as well as on EN3 later on once the server launched. I have gotten numerous lessons during the tenures of my leaderships. This would make me a capable person to lead the Federal Investigation Bureau and take the organization's role play to another level. I have previously led the undercover department in the FIB, doing the fastest raid season in English server 1 which was 25 raids in 20 days as well as the most raids conducted in EN1. By becoming the leader of the FIB, I will ensure that the 3 letters on the uniform of agents will be upheld.
Fidelity - Integrity - Bravery.
I am honest, consistent with my work, and transparent. Most importantly, I know how to lead a lot of people in a good manner. My goal for this term isn't just to win events. It is to shape the organization in a way where future leaders can continue the real legacy of the FIB. It's not just to show up with big numbers. But to have the quality in those numbers and make the organization great again.
Internally, I will focus on creating a realistic structure and using the implemented clearance levels. CSC, SSC, TSSC, TSSCI. This will be used to protect classified information and establish a clear chain of command. Additionally, I am looking forward to cooperating with other organizations with their special missions as well as conduct training in which we could make our tactics better as well as our shooting skills better. Due to the clearance levels, TSSC and TSSCI will get a briefing prior to gang raids and special missions that we do. These clearances will be used in a way where it benefits the organization instead of just having them there with no use.
Alongside this information, Due to the fact that we will start doing mission briefings to make better RP. We will be trying to limit the amount of gap there is between when we start calling agents and other legal orgs to the FIB HQ and the mission that we are conducting. I get it, people get bored waiting, and they end up actually leaving. I believe that if everyone starts coming faster it will be better for everyone, and the organization will rather have a positive attitude when lining up for special missions.
My plans for conducting trainings internally as well as with other organizations is as follows
We will be conducting routine training that organizations will take part in, and we will be working on improving our tactics. During these training we will be using tasers instead of lethal force as that would be completely non-RP. FIB will be leading a team as well as all other orgs. In this we will be doing simulations of NG raids, Hostage situations, etc. My goal is to make state organizations as best as they can be and have good quality state like how we used to have before. I believe that if you want your organization to succeed then you will need to as the leader be able to lead by example. We will do just that in my term and history will be recreated and everyone will see the FIB that they used to love and continue to love it in the future as well
During my term I will have 4 departments. Undercover Division, Human Resources, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit, and Special Operations. All these departments will have a part to play in my organization.
The Undercover Division is the heart of the FIB. It is responsible for the Observation and preservation of evidence of organized criminals and the surveillance of the criminals. The management of the undercover department transmits the evidence collected to the government. The goal is to keep the wanted list as empty as possible and to carry out as many raids as possible. (families and gangs).
Human Resources is in charge of training the agents of the Federal Investigation Bureau and ensuring that the legacy of the FIB is not being damaged. In an intensive training program the trainees acquire all the important skills needed to proclaim the 3 letters on the uniform. Fidelity - Integrity - Bravery Furthermore, they are to maintain internal order through strikes and administrative actions guaranteeing transparency and no corruption in the organization
The Special Anti-Terrorist Unit is in charge of tactical planning and executing special operations, they will be taking command during raids and conducting ghetto patrols in collaboration with other legal organizations. The SAU department is a specialized unit meaning that members can be a part of other departments Aswell as long as they qualify for them.
The Special Operations Unit is in charge of conducting patrols and operations in groups in collaboration with the SAU. THey should also focus on tracking and apprehending wanted criminals as well as confiscating illegal drugs. Solo Patrols will be minimized during my term as we will be working on working in teams rather than working in solo.
Internal Affairs headed by the Internal Affairs Captain, they will be the ones making sure there is no corruption or favoritism in the department. They will have a robust bonus system mainly for them to be conducting armory checks and tasks will be assigned to everyone. All agents will get background checked weekly and department reports will be issued. Our goal in this FIB term is to have a term that everyone can respect and look forward to whenever they apply for leader.
Additionally, there will be a set number of representatives that will represent our organization to the citizens. They will be in charge of doing press releases and interviews with Life invaders and inform the citizens on what operations we are conducting through the GOV Function.

In events, there will be a different hierarchy, when leading events the Chief of SAU and the HOD of SAU will take over. Alongside this the HOD of Spec Ops will collaborate so both sides can make a robust plan to neutralize the enemy team. Following that DHOD of departments and high commands will be able to lead if none of the above are available to assist. There will also be use of flank teams during high stake events such as gang raids, BM raids and Submarines protection.
Things I will do to make Roleplay better in the organization
Every week, we will be conducting high command and normal command meetings to make sure everyone can give their point of view on how the organization is working. I will plan on taking notes and showing these notes to the curators so we can work together to figure out any solutions or any fixes that need to be done to the organization.
I will introduce the concept of issuing permanent strikes to employees. These strikes will only be given for severe offenses. Such as defaming our organization or disrespectful behavior to other organizations or even internally. These strikes will only be given by the leadership (Senior Staff) Strict enforcement of rules will guarantee continuous order and discipline within the organization.
To fulfill the goal of having continuous order, we will be implementing a rigorous application process. We will introduce the concept of department-specification applications in which people would fill a different application to be invited to the organization as a part of a department. For this they will be required to have a lot of prior experiences and will only be given to the best people. Our goal all together will be ensuring that the core tasks of the FIB are carried out effectively which are raids.
During my term I will try different rank structures, these will be a limited number of changes but will be completely experimental. For now, I have changed the ranking structure with around 5-6 ranks, and I have attached the new rank system below. Having a good hierarchy that works for the entire organization could help reduce conflicts as well as make the jobs of our agents easier. If a structure is proven ineffective then we will change it.
For Promotions, we will be changing the system of promotions. Beyond the rank of Special Agent 1 promotions will be based on outstanding performance and dedication to their duties. We will have our human resources look at the patterns of on duty logs to make sure people don't come from Friday to Sunday so that they can get a free promotion. These department heads for all our departments are chosen very carefully and we are going to make sure that there is no favoritism in the organization.
A main thing that I want to try during my term is, I want corrupt agents of mine (Biographies) I want them to team up with other corrupt cops from other organizations and work together. Usually corrupt cops just kidnap other state employees and that hurts the relationship between orgs. I dont want this, Im not gonna lie I have also done this kidnapped other orgs but I think doing that was a mistake. It hurts relationships for no reason, and I think it will be beneficial if they work together to do corruption on civilians that are committing crimes such as gang members robbing stores.
My updated rank system is as follows:
Rank System
1 - Suspended
2 - Leave of Absence
3 - Jr. Agent I
4 - Jr. Agent II
5 - Field Agent 1
6 - Field Agent 2
7 - Field Agent 3
8 - Special Agent 1
9 - Special Agent 2
10 - Special Agent 3
11 - Senior Special Agent 1
12 - Senior Special Agent 2
13 - Senior Special Agent 3
14 - Elite Agent 1
15 - Elite Agent 2
16 - Elite Agent 3
17 - Senior Elite Agent 1
18 - Senior Elite Agent 2
19 - Senior Elite Agent 3
20 - Black Ops Agent 1
21 - Black Ops Agent 2
22 - Black Ops Agent 3
23 - Secret Agent
24 - Special Agent in Charge
25 - 00 Agent
26 - Deputy Head of Department
27 - Head of Department
28 - Chief of Staff
29 - Deputy Director
30 - FIB Director
Now I will explain all the changed ranks,
Firstly, we removed Assistant Director this was done to limit the high command positions in the organization. Having too many high commands can lead to conflicts and power trips which we don't want!
Secondly, the Executive Agent was removed again to limit the spots. Executive agent was added as a filler rank because people wanted to rank chase. I will remove this as I will not endorse rank chasing.
Third, Supervisor will be switched to Special Agent in Charge. My reasoning for this is that a Special Agent in Charge is a supervisory position that is responsible for overseeing operations in a specific division. Which is exactly what supervisors should be doing. I prefer using the more realistic name to endorse better RP in this scenario
Forth, Elite Senior Special Agent will be renamed to Senior Elite Agent. This is just for the easier understanding of the rank. As Elite Senior Special Agent doesn't actually sound like the senior version of Elite Agent but it sounds like Special Agent and Senior Special Agent.
Lastly, JR Agent II will be added. This will add an additional level of training. When a member is hired they will be placed at Jr Agent I. Phase 1 training which is basically just an introductory guide of the FIB that explains where everything is and what we as the organization stand for. Phase 2 and 3 training will be POV of an arrest and event attended. For Phase 2 and 3 they will be promoted to Jr Agent II so that they can complete their last steps of their training which will lead to them getting promoted to Field Agent I
To sum everything up, my main goal if I am given the opportunity to run an FIB term is to build a strong, high-quality term that will bring back the old FIB's success and process of leadership. I want to bring back the original FIB the one that dominated events, operated at its peak, and was genuinely fun for everyone.
Thank you for reading my application and I hope you liked it
Yours truly,
Bob Hill the FIB Farmer