Admins i am id 69980 and would like to apologize for this situation occurring. we did not know that this was an event youd need to keep a pov for as it happens every hour. yes i know now that this is against ER 1.1 . i have went to this event a few times and i have been killed by other people who was teaming at this event aswell so i thought it would be okay for me and a friend to attend this event to help one an other as people team and help eachother for the valuable crates that come every hour on the docks. i will never do this again as i am in this city for 10 or more hours a day, i have only attended this event a few times .
again i am very sorry for this happening and it will never be an issue again and when i experience others teaming i will report them now as i know we cannot do it here. thank you and have a good day