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Kuba Standl

Jun 16, 2023
State Organization: LSPD
Name: Kuba Narcos
Gender: Male Age: 31
Nationality: Poland
Place of Birth: Poland
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Multiple Tattoos all over body
Strengths: Leadership skills , communication skills , good shooter, good driver
Weakness: Overthinker, Angry issues

Life Story:

Kuba grew up in a very small and poor neighborhood in Wojkowice. In Kuba whole life he has been bullied by a lot of gangs inside his neighborhood which he always wanted to get revenge but was never strong enough, Kuba had a big brother by the name of Sosa. Sosa was dealing with a lot of gang activities around the neighborhood which he will be getting locked up once a while for all the criminal activities he was doing. Kuba always wanted to try out the gang life but was always scared to ask Sosa to become a official gang member as he been getting bullied and thrown around. One night when Kuba was sleeping he heard about 100 shots getting fired outside his house, he steps outside the house to see what was going on and sees Sosa dead on the floor with multiple bullet wounds all around his body. The moment he looks up he recognized the people who did it as they were driving away trying to leave the scene. Kuba has then left the gang life making his journey to LSPD to put away all the criminals and give them what they deserve.

Career Story:

As Kuba joined LSPD he started working as a Swat officer as his aim was very well and very perfect to be for Swat officer. Kuba will then start working in LSPD for about 5 years until he officially became a Chief of staff of Swat. Kuba then had seen all the casefiles and all the evidence towards all the gangs, he then saw a picture of his brothers killer. Kuba had a very strong guilt and raided the gang with FIB, SAHP, NG, and GOV to make sure he found the killer who killed Sosa. The moment they raided the person that killed Sosa was there, Kuba has never felt such a anger in him he took the 10-15 took him into a basement and started to torture him to make sure he will deserve what he did. As Kuba kept going the 10-15 finally died and all that Kuba could do was look at him with a anger and wanted to do it to all the criminals making sure no one will ever hurt him or his family again.


1) Kuba can take bribes (up to $100,000 and guns/ammo/illegal stuff ) .
2) Kuba can deny and lie about calling a lawyer and lie about his name /refuse to provide any type of identification
3) Kuba can remove people‘s criminal background or from wanted list for a bribe (up to 100k or weapons equivalent to it).
4) Kuba can cuff other LEOs and break their bodycams to avoid getting caught. ( no targeting or PG)
5) Kuba can do criminal activities like robbing and pickpocketing.
6) Kuba is able to attempt to search for a bodycam (using the /try command twice per situation), and if found, break it (/do Breaks bodycam).
7) Kuba can arrest someone for fake charges/capture them if he severely dislikes them, or for revenge. (within sufficient RP reasons, and nothing too severe)
8) Kuba can remove/change suspects prison sentence and give less or more fines
9) Kuba can buy, sell, or use any type of illegal items and weapons. ( no ORG gears included )
10) Kuba can do criminal activities. For example, go to the ghetto and ghetto clap.

Posted with approval from Peren Hill.

Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

Will be reviewed later today (22 February 2025)

Tyrell Johnson

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
May 14, 2021

Make sure to follow server rules and limits listed below, if listed. Bio will become automatically invalid if you change your name.

Holders of a biography cannot have a lawyers license, cannot be deputy of an organization and cannot be in HR/IA of any organization.

1 - Limited to 100k
3 - Limited to 100k
4 - No targetting, no excessive cuffing, search for bodycam required, max twice per situation
5 - Not allowed to participate in family events, such as Store Robberies etc.
6 - Limited to twice per situation
7 - No targetting
9 - Org weapons cannot be sold or used for personal use.
10 - Not allowed to participate in family events, such as Store Robberies etc.
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