( the pov i recovered )
I will give you the timesteps that could tell his obviously cheating. And he keeps on cheating in turfs it makes no sense for this admin to reject my thread.
Timestep- 3:03 you can see hes randomly looking at the roof at the turf which there is no chance for him to know the guy on roof without having esp(cheats)
Timestep- 4:20 you can see his trigger and tracing the guy in the contanier(obvious triggerbot and esp)
Timestep- 7:35 you can see how comfortable and sure he is even tho hes teammate said (they are here), he jumped and a knew there was no one there (again clear ESP)
Timestep- 10:06, he saw the guy falling through the wall and clear trigger
Timestep- 10:24 Clear triggerbot
Timestep- 11:12 - 11:20 of course you can see he knew there was a guy beforehand(before he even peeked), and you can see his guy is not shooting, its because the trigger didnt detect the player, normal player would shot and try to take a chance to hit the shot, but hes just holding the trigger key its obvious. and you can see how confident he is peeking him alone.
Timestep- 11:32 obvious triggerbot again. Im sure if you speak to advanced pc checker he would tell this guy is cheating hard. and he keeps on cheating in turfs
thanks for review