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Your ID
Players nickname
Summer Raine
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Mar 5, 2025
Time of violation

Deku Calipso

Ex Director of USSS Ex HOD in LSPD
Dec 12, 2022
General Rules for Green Zone
1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn
That’s correct put you died in the middle of a public road the gz (unless they made it bigger) is the interior, and the parking lot attached to said mall and IF he gets RDM for it your friends also would because they returned fire can’t match a rule break with a rule break. Also take gov as an example it says gz in the whole area even the street as it’s a organization job the mall doesn’t because no job less populated and the middle of the street where you had a little nap isn’t a GZ

Deku Calipso

Ex Director of USSS Ex HOD in LSPD
Dec 12, 2022
are you dumb? the guy clearly shot before saying anything about being a hit man. anyone in this situation would shoot back. along with his shit mic you can hardly hear him say anything.
Now now Summer no need for name calling or are you unable to have a civil discussion?

Summer Raine

Mar 2, 2024
Warn for inappropriate language
You’re POV shows no one else dying, it shows the hitman completing the hit announcing he’s a hitman getting in his cars and you’re friends returning fire. Again it’s a RP situation so like pickpocketing you’re friends are allowed to defend themselves and you and the hitman can defend themselves. He announced he was hired to kill you so it’s not “random” it’s his RP job. However UB driving and talking while dead are rule breaks and the whole clipping/cutting it’s suspicious to say the least. And saying it’s mass rdm and he killed 2 others without any evidence in the video is borderline deceiving. 🙂
he did not announce that he was hired to kill me he did not say my name he metagame and looked at an id above the head lmao there is no rp situation bc he killed and then said something about dark web killa not dark net task or mission lmao but it will be reviewed at the end of the day i don't give two shits about you or anyone else commenting on this post lol haters are gonna hate and i am just going to sit here and laugh about it .. also Jesse go the fuck on somewhere with your BS " Ban this guy" lmao that is all you try to do is get people banned lmao 😅😅😅

Deku Calipso

Ex Director of USSS Ex HOD in LSPD
Dec 12, 2022
this isn't summer but the fact you can't even come back to what i said shows i'm correct. he didn't announce anything about being a hitman until killing someone in/near gz. in city.
Ok let’s RP you’re a hitman are you gonna A walk up and say hello I’m going to kill you or B complete the hit then continue with RP?

Deku Calipso

Ex Director of USSS Ex HOD in LSPD
Dec 12, 2022
so i can rdm anyone in the city as long as i say i'm web killa after shooting them?
Lol that be rdm and abuse of contract jobs, it’s an actual system and function that’s available to everyone IC you guys are free to use it too, RP could’ve been better yes, but there’s 2 actual rule breaks in POV UB driving and talking while dead

Steph Silverburn

Ex-LSPD Chief, SAHP Curator
Server Administrator
Feb 19, 2022

Darknet hits are allowed, location was not a GZ, the other 2 were killed as they took out weapons and continued the assassation RP by shooting at the player. The ''talking while dead'' the mic stays active for a few seconds on death, and driving a car into a shopping center can be for display purposes so not really UB.

Also the POV has been replaced with an edited version as i did see the original.
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