1. Your name IRL: Rohit Chowdhury
2. Your age (ooc): 19 & IC: 26
3. Time zone: GMT+5.30
4. Average online per day: 5+
5. Your Discord: rohit.ragex
6. Your Nickname: Rohit RageX
7. Your ID: 384607
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
-> My first organization was GOVERNMENT. After that i was very curious to try out the functions and working of Los Santos Police Department. At first I Joined LSPD as a rookie, i got my training of all the phases and i was contributing my most in the growth of the organization . By Hard work i got rank ups . At The End I achieved TFO and DHOD (IA) position in the LSPD.
-> I Have a lot of experience in leading the leo organizations like FIB, GOV, NG as i have been in all the organizations in the city. After leading almost each leo Organization i am now ready to face some great challenges by achieving Chief of Police position. I am commiting Los Santos Police Department making more active. I would implement different systems and functions to make it smoother and will work on where LSPD lacked in this recent terms.
-> It is my first time to apply for a leader after doing works in so many orgs and now i think i am now capable to handle LSPD and i will also maintain good relation with other leo orgs by helping them with our units at their scripted event.
3. What advice would you give for improving Roleplay level in the organization?
As a leader i would like to improve roleplay of LSPD by conducting weekly events for our employees, giving Them highest bonuses for their hard work in my term, hiring deserving people, Giving Chance to our employee to lead Our org in any scripted event and if he does well give him more chances to lead, Doing City inspections,Taking them to ghetto patrolling, BM raid , Training New People And I will make sure that our agents will respond to all hostage situation,house robbery,store,ATMS with full activity and do weekly meeting with our high commands and discuss about our organization employee that who deserves promotion and how we can improve our org.
The departments that will be in my term will be:-
SWAT: Whose main objective will be lead any situation like heavy 10-10s , store, hostages, atm rob, subs, acc and other special missions.
Human Resources and training: This division would be in charge of recruiting, retention and training of all officers in the LSPD. This will be done though a series of videos as well as testing applications to determine field knowledge.
IA: IA is the team in charge of auditing logs and ensuring officers are up to date on and compliant with license and conduct internal investigations for misconduct. IA will take an active role in the LSPD with mandatory bodycam and activity checks conducted weekly.
UC: The job of Under Cover team is made to gather intelligence and evidence on unofficial families and gangs to help FIB by sharing this evidence to catch them easily.
TE: Traffic Enforcement is one of the most important department of LSPD to ensure the city of Los Santos is running very well. Doing tows doing checkpoints etc.
PR: This division handles community outreach and maintains positive relations between the police department and the public. They also manage media relations and public communication.
Chain of Command
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Chief of Staff
27. Head of Department
26. Deputy Head of Department
25. Special Operations Officer
24. Supervisor
23. Commissioner
22. Deputy Commissioner
21. Superintendent
20. Inspector
19. Senior Sergeant
18. Field Sergeant
17. Sergeant
16. Senior Corporal
15. Lance Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Master Patrol Officer III
12. Master Patrol Officer II
11. Master Patrol Officer I
10. Senior Patrol Officer III
9. Senior Patrol Officer II
8. Senior Patrol Officer I
7. Patrol Officer III
6. Patrol Officer II
5. Patrol Officer I
4. Probie Patrol Officer
3. Towie
2. Cadet
1. Rookie
Thank you, Curator and Senior Curator of LSPD for your time towards my application.
- Rohit RageX
1. Your name IRL: Rohit Chowdhury
2. Your age (ooc): 19 & IC: 26
3. Time zone: GMT+5.30
4. Average online per day: 5+
5. Your Discord: rohit.ragex
6. Your Nickname: Rohit RageX
7. Your ID: 384607
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
-> My first organization was GOVERNMENT. After that i was very curious to try out the functions and working of Los Santos Police Department. At first I Joined LSPD as a rookie, i got my training of all the phases and i was contributing my most in the growth of the organization . By Hard work i got rank ups . At The End I achieved TFO and DHOD (IA) position in the LSPD.
-> I Have a lot of experience in leading the leo organizations like FIB, GOV, NG as i have been in all the organizations in the city. After leading almost each leo Organization i am now ready to face some great challenges by achieving Chief of Police position. I am commiting Los Santos Police Department making more active. I would implement different systems and functions to make it smoother and will work on where LSPD lacked in this recent terms.
-> It is my first time to apply for a leader after doing works in so many orgs and now i think i am now capable to handle LSPD and i will also maintain good relation with other leo orgs by helping them with our units at their scripted event.
3. What advice would you give for improving Roleplay level in the organization?
As a leader i would like to improve roleplay of LSPD by conducting weekly events for our employees, giving Them highest bonuses for their hard work in my term, hiring deserving people, Giving Chance to our employee to lead Our org in any scripted event and if he does well give him more chances to lead, Doing City inspections,Taking them to ghetto patrolling, BM raid , Training New People And I will make sure that our agents will respond to all hostage situation,house robbery,store,ATMS with full activity and do weekly meeting with our high commands and discuss about our organization employee that who deserves promotion and how we can improve our org.
The departments that will be in my term will be:-
SWAT: Whose main objective will be lead any situation like heavy 10-10s , store, hostages, atm rob, subs, acc and other special missions.
Human Resources and training: This division would be in charge of recruiting, retention and training of all officers in the LSPD. This will be done though a series of videos as well as testing applications to determine field knowledge.
IA: IA is the team in charge of auditing logs and ensuring officers are up to date on and compliant with license and conduct internal investigations for misconduct. IA will take an active role in the LSPD with mandatory bodycam and activity checks conducted weekly.
UC: The job of Under Cover team is made to gather intelligence and evidence on unofficial families and gangs to help FIB by sharing this evidence to catch them easily.
TE: Traffic Enforcement is one of the most important department of LSPD to ensure the city of Los Santos is running very well. Doing tows doing checkpoints etc.
PR: This division handles community outreach and maintains positive relations between the police department and the public. They also manage media relations and public communication.
Chain of Command
30. Chief of Police
29. Deputy Chief of Police
28. Chief of Staff
27. Head of Department
26. Deputy Head of Department
25. Special Operations Officer
24. Supervisor
23. Commissioner
22. Deputy Commissioner
21. Superintendent
20. Inspector
19. Senior Sergeant
18. Field Sergeant
17. Sergeant
16. Senior Corporal
15. Lance Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Master Patrol Officer III
12. Master Patrol Officer II
11. Master Patrol Officer I
10. Senior Patrol Officer III
9. Senior Patrol Officer II
8. Senior Patrol Officer I
7. Patrol Officer III
6. Patrol Officer II
5. Patrol Officer I
4. Probie Patrol Officer
3. Towie
2. Cadet
1. Rookie
Thank you, Curator and Senior Curator of LSPD for your time towards my application.
- Rohit RageX