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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

Kanav Soprano

Heyoo sup!
Jul 26, 2024
Your name IRL: Naman
Your age IRL: 20
Time zone: IST
Average online per day: 5-6 hours
Your Discord: kanavdemon
Your Nickname: Kanav Soprano
Your ID: 160571
Additional information
Leader of... Marabunta Grande
Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1.) I want to become leader of Marabunta Grande because it was my first gang in city and I loved it that time and i dreamed to become leader of this organisation and run perfectly and now I think I gained a lot of experience as a crime so I can take a

2.) I will do store robbery fort zancudo robbery and ghetto highway robbery on daily basis I will make most active term
i will not focus on weekly goals only i will also do more then that and will try to do every single events of the gang.

3.) I have experience as deputy of Marabunta ,Ballas , Vagos and as Curator also and High Command of every gang so I know how to run a gang and i will give bonuses on time so people will come by there own will and i will not do favouratism and people will get rank according to there knowledge

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

As I said I will do store robbery and fz robbery and ghetto and highways robbery on daily basis it will help in improving roleplay

I will try max graffiti per hour

I will try to make Ghetto active 24 hours

I will try to do 100% turf

No Toxicity will be done in the Org as well as with the other Orgs

Bonuses on time !

And lastly I will try to end my term with 0 warns
My Ranking System
1. freeze
2. newbie
3. shooter
4. graffiti team
5. graffiti leader
6. clapper
7. gangster
8. Druglord
9. Warlord
10. Event leader
11. AK 47
12. Turfer
13. Under Deputy
14. Xoxo
15. Deputy
16. Leader
Best Regards
Kanav Soprano
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Azuz Salva

Head Hunter
Oct 30, 2024

1. Your IRL name : Bhaskar
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : Gmt (+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord - azu_9z
6. Your Nickname - Azuz Salvaa
7. Your ID - 179173

Additional information

1. Leader of marabunta Gang.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I want to be the Leader of marabunta because I have seen a big drop of activity in marabunta as compared to before terms and in ghetto before there was only one name famous for gang was marabunta and now it has been started counting in Inactive gang. In earlier terms gangs were really involved in events and the leaders that brought a lot of energy to the ghetto. Now, it feels like many leaders have stepped back. And have been only playing for there position only not for the gang. I believe I can bring that excitement back to marabunta . I have been in a lot of gangs with some great leaders, and I have learned a lot from them. I want to use what i have learned to make the gang active, fun, and organized.

2.2 I believe I have good leadership skills. I have seen what is going wrong and what needs to change. With my experience, I can keep marabunta on top. It is important to have the good deputies who can run events and manage the gang when I am not in city . They need to be active and capable so that everything runs smoothly. I want the gang to be active in the ghetto, doing sprays every hour and running smoothly. I’m good at leading because I have been high command in Gangs before also.

2.3 I want to lead marabunta because I care about keeping the gang active. I’ll make sure we join important events like clands . I will encourage competition with other gangs and legal groups. By rewarding our most active members, i will keep everyone motivated with bonuses and events and many more . I want to improve recruitment by having certain ranks handle it and using a careful interview process. This way, new members will understand our rules and should be always available for the gang.

3. Your advice for improving roleplay levels in organization.

3.1 No Toxicity And No Favoritism

3.2 Showing Maxx activity in all events and making ghetto back with marabunta

3.3 I will hire a deputy from different time zones so all the time at least 1 deputy should be available.

3.4 Creating a friendly environment where everyone feels like family.

3.5 Introducing a new interview system and a strike system and many more systematic things like that.

My goals For marabunta

99.9% Turf
Completing term with any warning or verbal
Taking dominance in ghetto and dominating other gangs as well
Above $10,000 graffiti profit per hour

Chain Of Command
16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

Thanks For Reading My application!!!
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Itachi Escobar

Ex Leader of Vagos💛 & Families💚
May 25, 2023
1. Your name IRL :) Daksh Bhutani
2. Your age IRL :) 20
3. Time zone :) IST
4. Average online per day :) 5-6 HOURS
5. Your Discord :) itachi.d.uchiha
6. Your Nickname :) Itachi Escobar
7. Your ID :) 104205
Additional information

1. Leader of...Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
:) First of all I have what it take to be a leader of Marabunta as I had past leadership expierence of gang ( FAMILIES & VAGOS) I know how gangs works and what to do and what not to. I have developed strong communication skills during my journey from a rookie member to a Leader. On Addition I like Marabunta Hq so much, behind Hq we can do hostage situation, we get a part of ghetto where only Hq of Marabunta.

:) I will try my best to be available at most gang events and guide my gang. I will be there if my gang got fight with another gang. We will rob the whole ghetto together and have fun. We will make the ghetto active as hell like it was before.

:) I have set visions for the gang that my gang will do most ghetto clapping, will be the most active gang in the city, will do 100% turf, my graffiti team will do 100% sprays which will give good profits and keep the members active in gang. We will do max number of 24/7 stores, gunstores, fz raid, hostage situations. My gang will have max numbers at clands, battleship, submarines.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I saw that the Marabunta Grande not able to complete its previous term well enough with me being the leader I will complete full term with most activities, I will not be like those previous leaders who didn't perform their job as leader but got their gangs disbanded so soon because of their lack of expierence, I will be ready to face challenges that marabunta is going through now. I will make the ghetto active as much as possible and keep my members engaged in gang activities. I will be giving out bonuses to boost the moral of my members which keep them motivated. When I am not in the city I will make sure that my deputies are capable of doing any activity without me. I will treat all gang members equally and avoid showing favoritism. I will try my best to do 100% turf for Marabunta and make it on top. I also saw that only Families is dominating in turf but I got this responsibility of leading marabunta I will make sure we get the 100% turf even though marabunta is left with only 1 territory.

Leadership Experience
1x Leader of Families
1x Leader of Vagos
1x Deputy of Vagos
1x Deputy of Bloods


Itachi Escobar
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dhruv pluxury

Oct 9, 2024
1.Your name IRL: Dhruvit
2.Your age IRL 18
3.time zone GMT 5:30+(India)
4.Average online per day:6 to 9 hours
5.Your discord Dhruv_demon1
6.Your nickname Dhruv Bigfist
7.your ID 155296

Additional information

1.leader of marabunta Grande
2.1 i have been in almost every gang (except some) as 14 rank

2.2 i am applying to become the leader of this gang because i have been on this city for over 9months,started in a gang and still in a gang and most everthing about gang and also i think i am eligible to handle a gang as a leader. I have good knowledge of the server rules and ensure no rule break in my term also you can mark my words u wont regret giving me term i have been trying to becoming a gang leader from while ago so i hope i can get this opportunity to show me self to citizen

2.3 Marabunta,Families are my most favourite gang and i always wanted make Marabunta on top and and want to declare it most Dangerouse gang in whole ghetto i have vast knowledge about gang events especially truf.I will try my best for the gang and will try to devote max time to gang.Also marabunta has the HQ a bit far from the center of the ghetto so i am gonna take this advantage and make my gang member fully prepared to take over ghetto

3. your advices for improving Roleplay level in Organization
first thing i will be going to make sure that no favouristim in my whole term. All gang member are like bros and also there will 0% toxicity in my term i can give you gurarantee no rule break from my side and also i will try my best to make sure no mass rule break by and member of gang in whole term I will ensure that on my term our gang is most active by doing various events like store robs,clands,BS,fort zancudo raid daily

My goals
1. no rule break during whole term
2.100% graffiti always
3.doing all gang event multiple time a day
4. 100% turf
5. i will make sure after even hearing about marabunta leos get scared
6. i will try my best that there is no toxicity in gang
7.achieving heart of every gang member and ensuring everyone hast the best experience in my term
8. taking full control on whole ghetto
9. doing highway robberies daily so that people fear of marabunta on highway

ranking system in my term
4.Graffiti artist
5. Graffiti leader
10.Event leader
12.Under deputy
13.OG Bunta


My experience
2 EX-VAGOS(13)
EX-fib agent
EX-NG (24)
EX Marabunta(14)
2x Bloods(14)
Thanks a lot for devoting your precious time to read my applicaiton

Note-( Not copied from anywhere just took some lines from my own old marabunta application)

Best Regards
Dhruv Bigfist

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Siyan Fedorov

Sep 13, 2024
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make marabunta the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 100%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!
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Demon Silence

Nov 8, 2024
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make families the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 90%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!!
Need To See You As A Leader ! ++

Qmr Jvd

May 15, 2024
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make families the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 90%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!!
Best of luck buddy, you'll be a good leader.

Pulkit Jatt

Legal God
Sep 16, 2024
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make families the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 90%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!!
He Will The Great Leader Of Buntassss...!!



EX - LT.General, COS IN FIB, OG Bunta, OG Ballas!!
Apr 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Samarth
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 (india)
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: mister_ammo
6. Your Nickname: Singham Federal
7. Your ID: 77544

$Additional information$

. Leader of Marabunta Grande.

. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

ANS:- I want to become the leader of marabunta because Bunta has recently been very much active from few passed term. And I want to continue the legacy to make it more active. I have tried almost every organisation but I like marabunta most and it will be honour for me if I get selected for bunta leader and also I will get a new experience. I have been I in the many illegal Orgs Like Bloods, Vegos, Familes, etc. I have been deputies like in bunta:- OG bunta (15),

Bloods:- Under Boss (14), Vegos:- Turfer Head (12), Familes:- killa (14). I have joined my first illegal Org Bloods I have the Max
knowledge about ghetto, the hidden places of graffiti and many more.

-As I have experience of almost every organisation so I have enough experience to lead an organisation. And I think marabunta will be best for this. Also it has its own location little away from other gang hqs and having a big hq which makes bunta a unique gang. I want to make a strange fear in the city about our gang. Even the state orgs will also have the fear about us. The gang will
be more active in my term of Leadership. The ghetto will be scare of the bunta gang.

-When first time I came in the city I joined the family of my friend I took the part in the family raid and event then I joined the
gangs like boods was my first illegal org then I started to join in different orgs and my knowledge was begin great, that's why
I think that I can be the best leader of all time.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

ANS:-I have worked with many leaders and deputies of gang in their terms who can come and help me in my term. I also have many friends who have been high command in gangs. And I have alliance with many big families by all these my gang will be active 24/7. I will terrorise whole ghetto even of vagos side and make my marabunta term the best gang term ever. I will also try to complete more tasks than given in weekly tasks. I will recruit some new players and teach them rp from gang side by which more people will take interest as doing rp from gang side and less chance of rule breaks.

I will not support toxicity
I will not do any kind of favouritism

Having a cool bonus system helps a lot in attracting people into the gang.Clands:10k per parachute, 15k Top kill FZ:15k, Store:10k, Battleship:20k Submarine:30k.

-I have seen a lot of problems in ghetto clapping. During it i have seen many people who want to rob and they fight amongst themselves. So i have made a rule that whoever kills gets to rob the person.

-Keep max Girafiti profit
-Dominate ghetto
-100% turf

-Complete my term in minimum warning

$MY Strike System :-
Strike 1 :- Verbal
Strike 2 :- Suspend
Strike 3 :- Removed from org

$Hope to get a chance...

Singham Federal

Samir Ali

Aug 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Samir Ali
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: samirafridi
6. Your Nickname: Samir Ali
7. Your ID: 39359

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1- From past few weeks I can see the gangs are getting inactive day by day so I want to take leadership of Marabunta to show some gang activities in the city and make Marabunta most active gang in the city and prove everyone that gangs are best organisation for RP and i have past experience in marabunta as Under Deputy in last term and when i came in city Marabunta Grande was my first gang.

2.2- As i have strong leadership qualities, I am confident in my ability to effectively guide our gang and ensuring consistent participation in all scheduled events. By my good leadership and open communication qualities, I will motivate each and every gang member to show their active participation in every events on regular basis. And i think Marabunta Grande will be the best gang for me because Marabunta Grande need a good leader and i can say that i will give my best as a leader of marabunta.

2.3- I want to become the leader of gangs because i have a good experience in gangs and i have spend almost 3 to 4 months in gangs and i know about every events in gang. I have good and supportive deputies who will help me and make this gang best and most active gang in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1- I will do everything in my power to ensure that our organisation attends as many events as possible each and every day, making it a priority to participate in every event, no matter how busy my schedule may be. Me and my deputies will look at every events daily and will also make ghetto active.

3.2- I will also take care to do maximum number of graffiti possible every single hour, throughout the day by giving maximum bonuses on graffiti.

3.3- I will try my best to create a friendly environment by taking care of gang member and will take care that there is no favoritism and toxicity going on in the gang and every member in gang is treated equaly and friendly.

My Goals as a Leader

- 100% Graffiti
- 100% Turf
- No favouritism and toxicity in org
- Giving max bonuses on time
- Make sure our high commands are capable and are good for their ranks
- Taking care that none of our gang member do a rule break
- Participation in max no. of events
- Make Marabunta most active gang in the city

Ranking System

16 - Leader
15 - Deputy Leader
14 - Under Deputy
13 - Event Leader
12 - Event Manager
--------------------High Command--------------------
11 - Turfer
10 - Mafia
09 - Warlord
08 - Gangster
07 - Druglord
06 - Graffitist
05 - Hitman
04 - Clapper
03 - Shooter
02 - Newbie
01 - Freeze

Thanks For Reviewing My Application

With Regards
Samir Ali

Marabunta On Top !!
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Adi Escobar

Aug 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Samir Ali
2. Your age IRL: 19
3. Time zone: GMT+6
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: samirafridi
6. Your Nickname: Samir
7. Your ID: 39359

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1- From past few weeks I can see the gangs are getting inactive day by day so I want to take leadership of Marabunta to show some gang activities in the city and make Marabunta most active gang in the city and prove everyone that gangs are best organisation for RP and i have past experience in marabunta as Under Deputy in last term and when i came in city Marabunta Grande was my first gang.

2.2- As i have strong leadership qualities, I am confident in my ability to effectively guide our gang and ensuring consistent participation in all scheduled events. By my good leadership and open communication qualities, I will motivate each and every gang member to show their active participation in every events on regular basis. And i think Marabunta Grande will be the best gang for me because Marabunta Grande need a good leader and i can say that i will give my best as a leader of marabunta.

2.3- I want to become the leader of gangs because i have a good experience in gangs and i have spend almost 3 to 4 months in gangs and i know about every events in gang. I have good and supportive deputies who will help me and make this gang best and most active gang in the city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1- I will do everything in my power to ensure that our organisation attends as many events as possible each and every day, making it a priority to participate in every event, no matter how busy my schedule may be. Me and my deputies will look at every events daily and will also make ghetto active.

3.2- I will also take care to do maximum number of graffiti possible every single hour, throughout the day by giving maximum bonuses on graffiti.

3.3- I will try my best to create a friendly environment by taking care of gang member and will take care that there is no favoritism and toxicity going on in the gang and every member in gang is treated equaly and friendly.

My Goals as a Leader

- 100% Graffiti
- 100% Turf
- No favouritism and toxicity in org
- Giving max bonuses on time
- Make sure our high commands are capable and are good for their ranks
- Taking care that none of our gang member do a rule break
- Participation in max no. of events
- Make Marabunta most active gang in the city

Ranking System

16 - Leader
15 - Deputy Leader
14 - Under Deputy
13 - Event Leader
12 - Event Manager
--------------------High Command--------------------
11 - Turfer
10 - Mafia
09 - Warlord
08 - Gangster
07 - Druglord
06 - Graffitist
05 - Hitman
04 - Clapper
03 - Shooter
02 - Newbie
01 - Freeze

Thanks For Reviewing My Application

With Regards
Samir Ali

Marabunta On Top !!

Best Of Luck Buddy !!

blaze smith33

Sep 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Akshat

2. Your age IRL - 17
3. Time zone- GMT+ 5:30 ( India)
4. Average online per day- 6-7hr
5. Your Discord- kakashi0634
6. Your Nickname- Blaze Osei
7. Your ID- 158607

Additional information
1. Leader of marabunta Grande

2. why do u want to be a leader of this specific organization? ( list three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I have been 14 in all the gangs but i enjoyed most of time in marabunta and vagos. I have been 14 rank in all gangs but most time in marabunta I have different bond with marabunta.

2.2 i am applying to be a leader of marabunta as i love this gang and always to keep up its aura in city. this gang has a history of many successful termsand i am damn sure i will keep its legacy continued. i will firstly train up my gang for ghetto area near from boundary to boundary people and other gangs will fear to cross the area near marabunta hq.

2.3 leo's will think 100 times before responding to store/gun store robbery started by marabunta. i will appoint deserving people as my deputy and will be giving hc to most active peole in gang. i will try my best for 100% graffiti and 100% turf

3. Yours advices for improving roleplay level in organization

Firstly my aim will be to ensure that No favoritism and toxicity in gang. all gang members do all event with coordination and team work completing term with negligible mistakes doing all gang events daily we be doing bs,fz, store robs with full rp daily. taking short interview of peole before recruiting

My goals

1. 100% turf
2.100% graffiti
3. making excellent graffiti team
4. Doing fz,bs,clands, store robs daily
5. completing term with 0% toxicity and friendship between gang members
6. helping newbies getting experience of gang
7. establishing control over full ghetto
Ranking system

1. freeze
2. newbie
3. shooter
4. graffiti team member
5. graffiti leader
6. clapper
7. gangster
8. Druglord
9. Warlord
10. Event leader
11. AK 47
12. Turfer
13. Og Bunta
14. Under deputy
15. Deputy
16. Leader
My exprience of En 2

Vagos 5x 14 rank
Marabunta 3x 14 rank
Families 2x 14 rank
bloods 14 rank

2x sahp 27
Fib 25 Rank

Thanks a lot for at least considering my appliction
Warm regards
Blaze Osei

Thomas Shalby

Dec 8, 2024
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make families the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 90%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!!
Letsss go now seeing new leaders coming up to make some difference and make some time a little bit joy ful

The Prefix

Oct 25, 2024
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make families the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 90%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!!
You will be a good leader brother++

Major Ayush

Nov 21, 2024
1 Your name IRL: Ayush Saini
2 Your age irl : 24
3 Time zone:GMT+5:30
4 Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5 Your Discord: heyiamgood
6 Your Nickname: Anshika foxx
7 Your ID: 188387

Additional information
1. Leader of...Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I wanted to become a gang leader because of i have so much experience in city and i want to lead people in proper and good way
2) I also want to lead some peoples and teach them every think about the game and if i dont know something i want to learn and i want to teach them to what to do and what not to do.
3) And most importantly i wont give up and i will try to turn my mistakes in rights .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) No toxity in gang
2) Wining in events and much more
3) I can be active in the gang like i can solve anyone's problems and i can treat peoples one by one.
4) 100% Sprays
5) Quality of a interview exam so gang cannot get a warn or verbal warning
6) 100% Turf

Ranking System

15- Deputy Leader
14- M416
13- Under Deputy
11- Clapper
10- Murderer
9- Mafia
8- Vandalizer
7- Graffiti Leader
6- Shooter
5- Graffitist
4- Trustie
3- Pure bunta
2- Baby bunta
1- Freeze

Thank You for your precious time

My Experience In Grand RP

Ex - Og vagos in vagos {13}*2
Ex - Under deputy in bloods {14}*1
Present - Mafia in families {14}*1

Best Regards

Anshika foxx


Pablo Revy

Sep 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Eyad
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-6 Hours per day
5. Your Discord: pablo_1246
6. Your Nickname: Pablo Revy
7. Your ID: 172344

Additional information
1x Marabunta Deputy

1x Ballas Underdeputy

1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 I want to be leader of Marabunta because I Think it is one of the most important gangs in the city and without the city doesn't feel the same as it is when Marabunta is active and when it is the most active they do 3 or more store robberies per day and 2 fz raids per day.

2.2 Secondly I Was Deputy in Marabunta and Marabunta was my first gang in en2 and I spent a whole term in it and it was my best days in gangs and I used to do alot of store robberies when I was a deputy.

2.3 Lastly I want to be leader of
Marabunta so I can improve the rp in en2 and make gangs the best orgs that people can join and have fun in it in en2 and will do more hostage situation so that even the leos can do more rp and I will do hostage situations with more then my gang i will do it with 2 or more gangs.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 I will attend all the events in the day and make more interaction with leos

3.2 I will always make Marabunta in ghetto so that we make more rp

3.3 I will make Marabunta control ghetto and destroy all other gang and I will do it without breaking any server rules

3.4 I will always control my members and make sure they don't break any rules

3.5 Making sure that we don't be toxic to other gangs and leo orgs

My Goals For The Term.
Max spray profits every hour
Be a terrorist org
Dominate compitaton In ghetto

Thanks For Reading
Yours Pablo Revy.


Feb 1, 2025
1. Your name IRL: Hans
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-9hrs
5. Your Discord: orinplayss
6. Your Nickname: Orin Plays
7. Your ID: 189696
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I want to become leader of Marabunta because my first gang in the city was Marabunta and I learned many things in this gang. After that I joined many other gangs and gained many experience. I have tried almost every organization as high command and now I want a new experience as a gang leader and I think marabunta will be the best for it.

- I want to make my term the best gang term ever by doing 24/7 activities, territories ghetto and other gangs. For this I have many friends and allies with top families who will come and help me in my term. As it will be my 1st chance to become leader. So, I will give my best 2 make it successful.

- I will keep a huge bonus system by which my Gang members will also take interest in doing more and more events. I will try to make Ghetto super active, I will fully try to make sure to kill every person who passed from ghetto, also Leo's would think multiple times before doing ghetto patrolling. I will also try me best to do twice of events given in weekly tasks.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- I have many creative ideas to do situations and events in different locations and make them complicated. By which Leo's and gangs both will have fun. I will recruit new players and teach them RP. So, they will also take interest in RP and do fewer rule breaks. I will not support toxicity. If found, then directly blacklist. I will give ranks only to those who will show their activities, not to the people who are not doing anything. I will not do favoritism.

MY Goal,
100% turf,
Max graffiti profit,
Become a terrorist organization,
Dominate the ghetto and other gangs,
Become the best gang ever,
Complete my term without any warnings.

EN | 3
2 Time Deputy
Ballas, Marabunta

EN | 2
All Illegal Org 14 rank

Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024

1. Your name IRL - Aniket

2. Your age IRL - 18

3. Time zone - IST

4. Average online per day - 5 to 6hrs

5. Your Discord - chrisani07

6. Your Nickname - Kairo Cooper

7. Your ID - 156281

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ?

- I had been High Commands in Gang like under deputy in Bloods and deputy in ballas in the city and I have experience in a variety of gang-related tasks,

- If I get the leadership of Marabunta I will try to make it the most Working gang and will do gand activities like. FZ Raids, store robbery, Gun store robbery, highway robbery and hostage situations ex.
- I will organize Experience Deputies in my Gang who will help me. to make Marabunta ON TOP

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization ?

- I will not allow favoritism in Gang and will Provide Rank according to the abilities of the players.
- Max Graffiti in an hour.
- 100% Turf.

Ranking System
15- Leader
14- Deputy
13- Under-Deputy
12- OG Bunta
High Commands
10- Turfer
09-Event Leader

Marabunta ON TOP !
Top Bottom