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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

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Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024

1. Your name IRL - Aniket

2. Your age IRL - 18

3. Time zone - IST

4. Average online per day - 5 to 6hrs

5. Your Discord - chrisani07

6. Your Nickname - Kairo Cooper

7. Your ID - 156281

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ?

- I had been High Commands in Gang like under deputy in Bloods and deputy in ballas in the city and I have experience in a variety of gang-related tasks,

- If I get the leadership of Marabunta I will try to make it the most Working gang and will do gand activities like. FZ Raids, store robbery, Gun store robbery, highway robbery and hostage situations ex.
- I will organize Experience Deputies in my Gang who will help me. to make Marabunta ON TOP

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization ?

- I will not allow favoritism in Gang and will Provide Rank according to the abilities of the players.
- Max Graffiti in an hour.
- 100% Turf.

Ranking System
15- Leader
14- Deputy
13- Under-Deputy
12- OG Bunta
High Commands
10- Turfer
09-Event Leader
Marabunta ON TOP !

Best Regards



Nov 1, 2021
General information:

1. Reallife Name: Jean
2. Age: 19
3. Timezone: GMT+1
4. Online Time: 4-8h
5. Discord: qq5s
6. Nickname IC: Alex Burberry
7. ID: 66

Additional Information:

For which organization do you apply as a leader ?

Im applying for the Leader of MG13- Marabunta Grande

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
I would like to apply to be the leader of Marabunta Grande 13, to take the development of the gang into my own hands, to experience how it grows and to find my own way of successfully leading an organisation. I have already gained experience as a vice-leader/leader and this time I want to take the future of the organisation into my own hands, build my own family and bring it back to the standards it had in the beginning. It is definitely worth investing my time and stress to bring the Marabunta to the top.

Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.'

Each of our members will have a fixed role and tasks to work their way up to. The internal structures will be reorganised and the gang will be divided into different areas. For example, there will be people in charge of planning events such as a tuning meeting, boxing matches and much more. This way we can encourage RP with both gangs and civilians. People who do not fulfil their obligations within the gang will be declared outlaws and if they run away they will be hunted down and publicly executed to set an example.

Each area of the gang will have a leader, who will also be the second-OG, and they will be responsible for communication between the areas so that everyone works together in the end.

My aim is to revitalise the gang and I want to do this by completely restructuring everything from the ranks to the areas. We may not be the number one gang on the street, but when we come we want people to respect us.

MG13 will be divided into the following 4 areas:

Street-GangsterExecuterEvent-ManagerThe Family
With the street gangsters, it's all about being present on the streets, spraying and collecting debts.Executers are there to manage, capture and control gang areas.
They are responsible for recruiting and training new shooters.
Our event managers are an important part of the Family. They take care of our events, the planning and the realisation.The Family is the union of the entire family. The Family takes care of the entire gang, all events, the areas, the members, newcomers and everything that goes with it.

  • What are the names of the management level and their positions/ranks?
    • Rang 10 - OG
    • Rang 9 - Vize OG
    • Rang 8 - Executer
    • Rang 7 - Hood Instructor
    • Rang 6 - Shotcaller
    • Rang 5 - Gangster
    • Rang 4 - Hustler
    • Rang 3 - Homie
    • Rang 2 - Youngster
    • Rang 1 - Runner

Astro Lasombra

Oct 31, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Abeerat Singh
2. Your age IRL - 18
3. Time zone - ( GMT 5:30 )
4. Average online per day - 08 to 09 Hours
5. Your Discord - astrolasombra
6. Your Nickname - Astro Lasombra
7. Your ID - 170866

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans: Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) I want to be a leader of Marabunta because when I came to city I don't know about the rules after I understand the roleplay and rules I joined Bloods gang I spend my whole time in gang because I really love shooting I attend Subs , Battle ship , clands etc. everyday I was waiting for these events from that all the time in gang I really get to know about gangs rules .

2) If I became the leader I will make that term most active gang term I will make events like Turfer , Hide and seek and rev king It will help us in many ways to improve our shooting skills,Roleplay and It will entertain us also. I will try my best so no one will get bored from gang.

3) I will provide huge bonus whoever will active in gang activities so no one will lose interest in gangs and I will hire turfer not only for turf also for events so we can dominate leos easily I will try to take 40/40 members from my gang and I am sure I am ready to handle the challenges which comes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1) Providing Bonuses.
2) Organizing Events.
3) Hiring Turfer not only for turf for events also.
4) Hiring new players so they also get to know about Rolepaly.
5) If possible I will provide them training also.
6) Always Complete all weakly tasks of gang.
7) No Region disrespect.

Ranking System
13) OG Bunta

Thanku for your time -
Best regards - Astro Lasombra


Beast Hydra

Feb 8, 2025

1. Your name IRL : Akshu
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30+
4. Average online per day : 8-10 hours | ( If I become leader its increase to 9-12 hours )
5. Your Discord : hydrayo1
6. Your Nickname : Hydra Beast
7. Your ID : 137894

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- As I Been In GANG Org With Deputys, Now I Have this Much Experience To Take Leadership. if i got leader i dont want to make term like previous leaders i want to make, i will focus on expanding the gang's activity. and make term without any verbal and warning.

- As A Leader In Every Events I Will Make Sure Marabunta Will On Top, And Mainly i do not hire those ppl who doesnt know how to rob a person or doesnt know any rules, in org.

- As A Leader i will respect my orgs members, and everyone. as a leader becoming a leader of the Marabunta could provide a sense of adventure and excitement that is hard to find elsewhere.

- As A Leader Encourage collaboration and teamwork among members to achieve shared goals. This can help build stronger relationships between members, and create a more positive and productive environment.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- Doing Every Day Fz & Store or Gun Robbery With Max Peoples.
- As Fast as We Can Do 100% Turfs Soon.
- Doing A Good Conversation With Leo's so it will make good rp.
- Set Clear Expectations So, I WIll Make Sure Every Members Know Rules.
- I Will Make Sure Every My Org Member Dont Abused Anyone And Be Respect With Them.

My Goals

- Gain 100% turf without any verbal and warning.
- 100% Spray
- Make Best ORG On Top
- Make Marabunta Most Active Org.

Ranking system
16 Leader
15 Deputy
14 OG bunta
13 Under Deputy
12 Turfer
11 Event Leader
10 Graffiti Leader
9 Homie
8 Warlord
7 Graffitist
6 Robber
5 Clapper
4 shooter
3 Gangstar
2 Newbie
1 Freeze

Already I have one ex leader experience in other city so I believe if I got select I will do my best here

Thanks for reading
Last edited:

Kairo Cooper

Sep 12, 2024
2. Your age IRL - 18
3. Time zone - IST4. Average online per day - 5 to 6hrs
5. Your Discord - chrisani076. Your Nickname - Kairo Cooper

- If I get the leadership of Marabunta I will try to make it the most Working gang and will do gand activities like. FZ Raids, store robbery, Gun store

- I will not allow favoritism in Gang and will Provide Rank according to the abilities of the players.
- Max Graffiti in an hour.

15- Leader
14- Deputy

10- Turfer
09-Event Leader

Goku pluxury

Feb 5, 2025
Your name IRL : Sufyan
Your age IRL : 18
Time zone : IST (+5:30)
Average online per day : 5 To 6
Your Discord : siyan_fedorov
Your Nickname : Siyan Fedorov
Your ID : 165597
Additional information
. Leader of marabunta Gang.
1. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2 . I Want To Become A Leder Of Marabunta Because I Want To Expirence How Leder Works In The Org And Also I Have A Expirence Of High Command In Many Orgs ...
. I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make marabunta the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. will try to make things in a convincing way. For example you if we need to be serious, we will; if we need to have fun, we will again. In this way everyone can experience all the good and bad feelings in a tune. I'm going to attend events as much as possible so if you need to be happy and taste this feeling, you will know that you need to grind hard for it. Our mentality will be like ''a rolling stone gathers no moss'' so we can provide the continuance in this gang I hope.

4: My Goals For The Term
Try To Do Turf 100%
Bonuses Will Be Given On Time
No Toxicity In The Org And To Other Org
No Favoritism In The Org
Making The Best Term So Far
Making Graffiti Team Active
And Make Sure That We Are Doing Max Gun Store And Store Robbery As Well As FZ Raid And Highway's Robbery As Well Hostage Situation's
Making Sure That The Deputy Is Capable And Doing His Work Properly And Not Creating Any type Of Confilct Or Kaos

Chain Of Command

16. Leader

15. Deputy

14. Under Deputy

13. OG Bunta

12. Turf Leader

11. Event leader

10. Turfer

9. Warlord

8. Graffiti Leader

7. Gangster

6. Graffitist

5. Claper

4. Shooter

3. Fighter

2. Newbie

1. Frezee

My experience


Thanks For Reading My Application
Best Regards
Siyan Fedorov

Marabunta Always On Top !!
See as a leader
In future

Astro Lasombra

Oct 31, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Abeerat Singh
2. Your age IRL - 18
3. Time zone - ( GMT 5:30 )
4. Average online per day - 08 to 09 Hours
5. Your Discord - astrolasombra
6. Your Nickname - Astro Lasombra
7. Your ID - 170866

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Ans: Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1) I want to be a leader of Marabunta because when I came to city I don't know about the rules after I understand the roleplay and rules I joined Bloods gang I spend my whole time in gang because I really love shooting I attend Subs , Battle ship , clands etc. everyday I was waiting for these events from that all the time in gang I really get to know about gangs rules .

2) If I became the leader I will make that term most active gang term I will make events like Turfer , Hide and seek and rev king It will help us in many ways to improve our shooting skills,Roleplay and It will entertain us also. I will try my best so no one will get bored from gang.

3) I will provide huge bonus whoever will active in gang activities so no one will lose interest in gangs and I will hire turfer not only for turf also for events so we can dominate leos easily I will try to take 40/40 members from my gang and I am sure I am ready to handle the challenges which comes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1) Providing Bonuses.
2) Organizing Events.
3) Hiring Turfer not only for turf for events also.
4) Hiring new players so they also get to know about Rolepaly.
5) If possible I will provide them training also.
6) Always Complete all weakly tasks of gang.
7) No Region disrespect.

Ranking System
13) OG Bunta

Thanku for your time -
Best regards - Astro Lasombra



May 30, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Pushkar
2. Your age : 21
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30+
4. Average online per day : 4-5hrs |
5. Your Discord : venomistic_84
6. Your Nickname : Demon Obito
7. Your ID : 154161

Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

Ever Since I came To City I Have Been Part of Criminal Orgs And I believe Now I am Ready To Take The Responsibility of A Leader

Gangs Are Important Aspects Of City As of State So If I Get The Chance Of Becoming Leader I will Try To take The RP On Another Level

Marabunta Has An Extremely Fabulous Hq Which Makes It Diffrent From Other Orgs Thus more Willing For becoming The Leader

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Keeping our Activity Maximum
Every day fz and Store
Good Hc To Train people
Highly Experienced Deputy's to Make Organtisation Going Smoothly

My Goals

100% Turf
Good Activity
criminal Organisation

Ranking system
16 Leader
15 Deputy
14 Turfer
13 OG Bunta
12 Under Deputy
11 Event Leader
10 Graffiti Leader
9 Homie
8 Warlord
7 Graffitist
6 Robber
5 Clapper
4 shooter
3 Gangstar
2 Newbie
1 Freeze

Jack Dinero

Sep 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Julian Pajesø
2. Your age- 17
3. Time zone:GMT+2
4. Average online per day-7 to 8 hours daily
5. Your Discord: Ryanfate21
6. Your Nickname: Jack Tzariar
7. Your ID-63765
Additional information
I have been selected for interwiew 2 times

1. Leader of...marabunta
Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I have now been deputy in two gangs before and I have the knowledge and understanding of helping running a gang and the events .
the times i have been in gangs i have lead for us to win vheicle theft, store robberies and all the other events.

2. Within the time I have done so that multipule gangs has the chance to become the most wanted gang in the state.
Becuse i have the motivation to go to all the events and have alot of fun aswell.

3. I have been playing this game now for over a year, and i have much experience in both legal orgs and gangs. I know all the basic rules that i will need to know when i am gonna be leader of Marabunta.

3. Your advices for improving Role-Play level in organization.

1. First thing that I believe is neccesary for good RP and succesful term is having good deputies who know the server rules and can deal with situations in my absense .

2. Secondly ,i want to make sure that before anybody joins the gang i will get my HC to give them an good interwiew that i know they can be trusted to join my gang

3.Third and one of the most important thing is maintaining discipline in the organizations and make sure that nobody wil breake any rules and no fighting within the gang. we treat our gangs as FAMILY.

My goal as Marabunta Leader -
  • 100 percent turf.
  • Increase the popularity of the gang. so everyone in the city knows who we are
  • to make sure to be active and to alot of events

  • The Ranking System
    1 - Freeze
    2 - rookie
    3 - Shooter
    4 - Gangster
    5 - Clapper
    6 - Mafia
    7 - Graffitist
    8 - Graffiti Leader
    9 - Homie
    10 - Druglord
    11 - Warlord
    12 - Turfer
    13 - OG Bunta
    14 - Under Deputy
    15 - Deputy
    16 - Leader

    thanks for reading this application.

    well regard hopefully next Marabunta leader leader
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