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SignUp Now!first u take money printer and in pov when i shoot first bullet im not shooting at you and as u can see in pov when u take my money printer then i will try to shoot you and ur two family members already try to rdm me see ur blips in map and on time lapsi think u dont know there is money printer and u have to give demand them 5 sec to leave the area it's not ur np u are new and not stop cry its upto admin decision now
yes maybe he will recording with 3rd party softwarebro first u are not recording all overlays in your pov as we can clearly see at 1:27 there your mouse closing pov but we cant see the overlay for closing pov
its nvidiayes maybe he will recording with 3rd party software
on 1:27 when u try to stop ur recording ur recording stuck ur not recording all overlaysits nvidia
nah dont try to deceive adminidk its nvidia bug
its cleary deceving admin nice ( i have ur full pov if admin wants i will upload )close on req!