- Joined
- Nov 20, 2024
- Messages
- 33
1. Your name IRL - Anil Kumar
2. Your age IRL - 21
3. Time zone - GMT + 5:30 ( India )
4. Average online per day - 4 to 6 Hours
5. Your Discord - freecss_123
6. Your Nickname - Shreya Mercyy
7. Your ID - 109109
Additional information
1. Leader of fib
i am honest ,consistent with my work and transparent . Most Importantly i will lead people with good manners . my goal for this term itsn't just to win events. It is to shape the organization in a way where future leaders can continue the real legacy of FIB . It"snot just to show up with big numbers but to have the quality in those numbers and make the organization great again .
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. i want to become a leader of fib because fib is more than a job for me is like a family to me. I have a worked in fib for 2 terms i gained some experience on it i want to take further step and become leader. i build a strong relationship and developed a deep pride towards the organization.
2. Passion for law enforcement and justice becoming a leader of fib allows me to contribute to protecting citizens ,combating organized crime and ensuring a fair and lawful society. this role would give me platform to channel my dedication to justice into impactful actions.
3. lastly i have at times saw favoritism ruin organization i personally do not and will not tolerate any within my term i will attempt to prevent this by only hiring trusted and well known people into high command positions and will only promote agents who deserve to move up to ranks by showing their activity and dedicate their time within fib if i see anyone showing favoritism there will be repercussions up to disnissal from FIB.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
1. i plan to have to encourage members to develop their character beyond their job titles.
. Have members create backstories and personilities for their character to add depth to their RP
. host informal rp sessions like team building towards the members in org.
2. Training and Standards: i will make sure all agents go through training that betters the roleplay and make sure to follow all the server rules and good behaviour towards the citizens and org members.
3. Most importantly the Rp scenarious in the city needs to be improved and not just shooting at whatever you want and the problem go away , no no but it needs to be done in an actual realistic way as possible so that the people that to enjoy RP will actually enjoy it and i will try my best on stooping people that like Running Rp Scenarios for other as well as much as possible.
4. will do my best on ensuring relationship with other organization in the state , cause that is super important on actually working with each other and trusting each other org actions on whatever happens and having their back whenever possible.
5. Every week we will be conducting high command and normal command meetings to make sure everyone can give their point of view on how the organization is working i will plan on taking notes and showing notes to the curators so we can work together to figure out any solutions or fixes that need to be done to the organization.
6. i will introduce the concept of issuing permanent strikes to employees. These strikes will only br given for severe offenses. Such as defaming our organization or disrespectful behaviour to other organizations or even internaly . These strikes will only given by the leadership( senior staff) Strict enforcement of rules will guarantee continous order and discipline within organization.
.During my term i will have 4 departnments
Undercover Division
Human Resources
Special Anti- terrorist unit
Special operations
all these departnments will have a party to play in my organization.
The Undercover Division is the heart of FIB . it is responsibble for the observations and preservation of evidence of orginazed criminals and the surveillance of the criminals. the managenent of the under cover departnment transmits the evidence collected to the government . the goal is to keep the wanted list as empty as possible and to carry out as many raids as possible .
The Human resources is in charge of training the agents of the Federal Investigation Bereau and ensuring that the legacy of the FIB is not being damaged. in an intensive training program that trainees acquire all the important skills needed to proclaim the 3 letters on the uniform . Further more they are to maintain internal order through strikes and administrative actions guaranteeing transparency and no corruption in the organization
The special operations Units is in charge of conducting partrols and operations in groups in collaboration with the Sahp. They should also focus on tracking and apprehending wanted criminals as well as confiscating illegal drugs . Solo patrols will be minimized during my term as we will be working on working in teams rather than working in solo.
Internal Affairs headed by the internal affaris captain they will be the ones making sure there is no corruption or favoritism in the departnment . They will have a robust bonus system mainly for them to be conducting armory checks and tasks will be assigned to every one . all agents will get background checked weekly and departnment reports will be issued . our goal in this FIB term is to have a term that everyone can respect and look forward to whenever they apply for leader.
Additionaly , there will be a set number of representatives that will represent our organization to the citizens . They will be in charge of doing press releases and interviews with life invaders and inform the citizens on what operations we are conducting through the GOV Function .
My Updated Ranking system is as follows:
Rank System :
1. Suspended
2. leave of absence
3. Jr. Agent 1
4. Jr. Agent 25
5. Field Agent -1
6. Field Agent -2
7. Field Agent -3
8. Special Agent -1
9. Special Agent-2
10. Special Agent-3
11. Senior Special Agent -1
12. Senior Special Agent-2
13. Senior Special Agent -3
14. Elite Agent -1
15 . Elite Agent- 2
16. Elite Agent -3
17. Senior Elite Agent-1
18. Senior Elite Agent -2
19. Senior Elite Agent -3
20. Black ops Agent -1
21. Black Ops Agent-2
22. Black Ops Agent -3
23. Secret Agent
24. Special Agent in charge
25. 00 Agent
26. Deputy Head of departnment
27. Head of departnment
28. Cheif of staff
29. Deputy Director
30. FIB Director
Thank you for reading my application and i hope you liked it
your's truly,
Shreya Mercy
1. Your name IRL - Anil Kumar
2. Your age IRL - 21
3. Time zone - GMT + 5:30 ( India )
4. Average online per day - 4 to 6 Hours
5. Your Discord - freecss_123
6. Your Nickname - Shreya Mercyy
7. Your ID - 109109
Additional information
1. Leader of fib

i am honest ,consistent with my work and transparent . Most Importantly i will lead people with good manners . my goal for this term itsn't just to win events. It is to shape the organization in a way where future leaders can continue the real legacy of FIB . It"snot just to show up with big numbers but to have the quality in those numbers and make the organization great again .
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
1. i want to become a leader of fib because fib is more than a job for me is like a family to me. I have a worked in fib for 2 terms i gained some experience on it i want to take further step and become leader. i build a strong relationship and developed a deep pride towards the organization.
2. Passion for law enforcement and justice becoming a leader of fib allows me to contribute to protecting citizens ,combating organized crime and ensuring a fair and lawful society. this role would give me platform to channel my dedication to justice into impactful actions.
3. lastly i have at times saw favoritism ruin organization i personally do not and will not tolerate any within my term i will attempt to prevent this by only hiring trusted and well known people into high command positions and will only promote agents who deserve to move up to ranks by showing their activity and dedicate their time within fib if i see anyone showing favoritism there will be repercussions up to disnissal from FIB.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
1. i plan to have to encourage members to develop their character beyond their job titles.
. Have members create backstories and personilities for their character to add depth to their RP
. host informal rp sessions like team building towards the members in org.
2. Training and Standards: i will make sure all agents go through training that betters the roleplay and make sure to follow all the server rules and good behaviour towards the citizens and org members.
3. Most importantly the Rp scenarious in the city needs to be improved and not just shooting at whatever you want and the problem go away , no no but it needs to be done in an actual realistic way as possible so that the people that to enjoy RP will actually enjoy it and i will try my best on stooping people that like Running Rp Scenarios for other as well as much as possible.
4. will do my best on ensuring relationship with other organization in the state , cause that is super important on actually working with each other and trusting each other org actions on whatever happens and having their back whenever possible.
5. Every week we will be conducting high command and normal command meetings to make sure everyone can give their point of view on how the organization is working i will plan on taking notes and showing notes to the curators so we can work together to figure out any solutions or fixes that need to be done to the organization.
6. i will introduce the concept of issuing permanent strikes to employees. These strikes will only br given for severe offenses. Such as defaming our organization or disrespectful behaviour to other organizations or even internaly . These strikes will only given by the leadership( senior staff) Strict enforcement of rules will guarantee continous order and discipline within organization.
.During my term i will have 4 departnments
Undercover Division
Human Resources
Special Anti- terrorist unit
Special operations
all these departnments will have a party to play in my organization.
The Undercover Division is the heart of FIB . it is responsibble for the observations and preservation of evidence of orginazed criminals and the surveillance of the criminals. the managenent of the under cover departnment transmits the evidence collected to the government . the goal is to keep the wanted list as empty as possible and to carry out as many raids as possible .
The Human resources is in charge of training the agents of the Federal Investigation Bereau and ensuring that the legacy of the FIB is not being damaged. in an intensive training program that trainees acquire all the important skills needed to proclaim the 3 letters on the uniform . Further more they are to maintain internal order through strikes and administrative actions guaranteeing transparency and no corruption in the organization
The special operations Units is in charge of conducting partrols and operations in groups in collaboration with the Sahp. They should also focus on tracking and apprehending wanted criminals as well as confiscating illegal drugs . Solo patrols will be minimized during my term as we will be working on working in teams rather than working in solo.
Internal Affairs headed by the internal affaris captain they will be the ones making sure there is no corruption or favoritism in the departnment . They will have a robust bonus system mainly for them to be conducting armory checks and tasks will be assigned to every one . all agents will get background checked weekly and departnment reports will be issued . our goal in this FIB term is to have a term that everyone can respect and look forward to whenever they apply for leader.
Additionaly , there will be a set number of representatives that will represent our organization to the citizens . They will be in charge of doing press releases and interviews with life invaders and inform the citizens on what operations we are conducting through the GOV Function .
My Updated Ranking system is as follows:
Rank System :
1. Suspended
2. leave of absence
3. Jr. Agent 1
4. Jr. Agent 25
5. Field Agent -1
6. Field Agent -2
7. Field Agent -3
8. Special Agent -1
9. Special Agent-2
10. Special Agent-3
11. Senior Special Agent -1
12. Senior Special Agent-2
13. Senior Special Agent -3
14. Elite Agent -1
15 . Elite Agent- 2
16. Elite Agent -3
17. Senior Elite Agent-1
18. Senior Elite Agent -2
19. Senior Elite Agent -3
20. Black ops Agent -1
21. Black Ops Agent-2
22. Black Ops Agent -3
23. Secret Agent
24. Special Agent in charge
25. 00 Agent
26. Deputy Head of departnment
27. Head of departnment
28. Cheif of staff
29. Deputy Director
30. FIB Director
Thank you for reading my application and i hope you liked it
your's truly,
Shreya Mercy