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Ayush Verlicee

Mar 20, 2025
1. Your name IRL - Ayush Dutta
2. Your age IRL - 16
3. Time zone - GMT + 5:30 ( India )
4. Average online per day - 6 to 8 Hours
5. Your Discord - _xxayushxx_
6. Your Nickname - Ayush Verlice
7. Your ID - 89099
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. Leader of LSPD
2. 1. i wanna become LSPD leader, because i want to protect the city from the robbery and to control the city to avoid the crimes that happening in the city . to maintain the strict LAW enforcement in the city who ever dont follow the law and tghe rules of the city will deserve for the punishment acoording to the law.
2. for the city the LSPD Officers are the only well known departnment that protect the city even if they are new to the city they know about LSPD ,i wanna make it more efficent to help the people of LOS SANTOS and also to make them belive LSPD are there to protect us, and to maintain the good relation with tthe citizens of the city to know about the problems of them and solve it within in less time of their complaint.
3. The main reason for me to become a leader is to reduce crime in the city from the gangs , i cant reduce the whole crime but i try my best to reduce crime rate in the city. There will be a strict action taken aganist the illegal activities in the city and as weel as in the outskirts of the city.
3. 1. By settiing daily task for each and every departnment they will be more active and more efficient to do the work that been given to them .
2. by setting the bonus the rp will improve becausse they know that by completing the task they recive high bonus by that we can improve the roleplay.
3. The employees will be prometed acording to their activity , if there is no activity from their side they will be demoted by intrducing this they will responce to max activity and events.
4. By introducing the departnment like Public relations , Human Recorces , SWAT , Internal affairs & CID giving task according to their respective departnments we can .improve the roleplay.
.Human Resources :
.The HR departnment, bedore recruitment , screen applications, assigns, them as appropriate batch number and handles the training process of the applicants . They are .also responsible for assigning position within the departnment and updating the orrganizal roster.

.This division examines departnmental video footage , bodycam recordings, law enforcement vehicles, licenses, and other official docements, they also carry out the .necessary disciplinary actions officer misconduct.
.The swat team has to deal with high risk robberies and critical incidents. The swat team is facilitaed with special tools , machinery and the investigation of cannabis on an .industrial level in gang evidence
.The jobof the intelligence departnment is to gather evidence and analyze these and their work solely aims at unearthing the facts they are specially trained in under cover .operation hence the intelligence gathering from the witnesses and other to provide adequate evidence for gang and family crime is entuusted with them
30. Cheif of Police
29. Deputy cheif of Police
28. Cheif of staff
27. HOD
26. DHOD
25. Lieutenant
24. Second lieutenant
23. Lead Detective
22. Senior Captian
21. Captain
20. Detective 3
19. Detective 2
18. Detective 1
17. Master segerant
16. Senior Segerant
15. Segereant
14. Master Corporal
13. Senior Corporal
12. Corporal
11. Traffic Officer III
10. Traffiic Officer II
9. Traffic Officer I
8. Patrol officer V
7. Patrol officer IV
6. Patrol officer III
75 Patrol officer II
4. Patrol officer I
3. Cadet
2. LOA
1. Suspended
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