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Search results

  1. A

    On consideration Leader of families | Lalla badmash

    He has all Leadership qualities and skills. He deserves to be the Leader of THE FAMILIES!
  2. A

    Rejected CR + VDM + RDM | 203419 | 203418 | 259817 | 394053 | 304111 | 398845

    Yeah why the pov was uploaded 3 days ago lol. 😆
  3. A

    Rejected CR + VDM + RDM | 203419 | 203418 | 259817 | 394053 | 304111 | 398845

    Your bodycam isnt considered as a valid bodycam as voice is also not audible. You might be doing metagaming 🤔
  4. A

    Rejected CR + VDM + RDM | 203419 | 203418 | 259817 | 394053 | 304111 | 398845

    It is also visible in the pov that we gave Multiple demands as they were in front of our family house area but demands are not audible bcs they removed the sound as they might be doing META GAMING. After 5 minutes they came again and broke the NLR
  5. A

    Rejected CR + VDM + RDM | 203419 | 203418 | 259817 | 394053 | 304111 | 398845

    Why this pov doesn't have sound probably doing metagaming. We also gave them demands before shooting and atm admin was also there.
  6. A

    Rejected Demorgan for second time for same reason | Ethan_Murphy

    I was punished two times for same reason and also got warning. I am seeking for help, please remove my warning as i wanted to join EMS.
  7. A

    Rejected Demorgan because of thread 615859

    I did power rp. I robbed a player while having a gun in my hand. Then he made a thread and i got punished for what i did that day. But today Admin Ethan_Murphy sent me to 3 hrs demorgan for thing that i already got punsihed. This isnt fair.
  8. A

    Rejected Admin Application

    1. Date of Birth :- 12/02/2007 (-18) 2. Time zone: UTC+5:30 3. Daily time active on the server (AM - 10:00) - (PM - 07:00) 4. Average online per week (hours): 55 5. Your Discord ID: Hyperx_store 6. Your characters' name (IC): Ayush KangwalYT 7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): (Main 363176) 8...
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