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Search results

  1. raysmokes

    Rejected Warn for fail rp | Yaswant Trigger

    AS u can see in my pov he was holding a gun in his hand (U can see in that person pov also ) and wearing an illegal armor that why i arrested him. Admin can also see when i stopped the car he was holding a gun in his hand idk why he punished me then. And the alligation made by player that i...
  2. raysmokes

    Rejected pov req | 138986

    i dont see any rule which state povs with loud music doesnt work and u can clearly listen to food sound at end and if u are trying to save that guy u are helping a cheater to play on server and their is no rule which states that loud song in background states its edited So review the complain...
  3. raysmokes

    Reviewed Pov req | 168986

    close this i make a new complain
  4. raysmokes

    Rejected Pov req | 138986

  5. raysmokes

    Reviewed Pov req | 168986

    it cant be fixed by my my side u can edit it
  6. raysmokes

    Reviewed Pov req | 168986

  7. raysmokes

    Reviewed Pov Req | 27240

  8. raysmokes

    Reviewed Pov Req | 27240

    i will give in a hour
  9. raysmokes

    Reviewed Gz 1.1 I 25143

    footpath is gz
  10. raysmokes

    Approved ER 1.2 | 97129

    All in pov
  11. raysmokes

    Approved CR | 27240

    what a fool left ghetto in a chase , only know how to bark in cc
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