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Search results

  1. BerkeVerstappen

    Rejected Admin application | Berke Schumacher

    Information 1. Your name IRL - Berke 2. Your age -21 3. Time zone -GMT +3:00 (Turkey) 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) -11AM - 10PM 5. Average online per day - 6-10 hrs 6. Your Discord - theg666 7. Your Nickname - Berke...
  2. BerkeVerstappen

    Approved ID 149484 | OCC INSULT , GR 6.19 Toxicity

    this guys making harassment , Turkish swearing and racism if you watched all povs he say max hindu (racism to indian people) and he speaking other language green zone and toxic if any turkish admin watched this pov he can understand
  3. BerkeVerstappen

    Approved mass rule break CR VDM RDM ID-200251

    one more proof
  4. BerkeVerstappen

    Approved mass rule break CR VDM RDM ID-200251

    i am patrolling in the city 2 bugatti make cr after that one guy shoting me gz and vdm
  5. BerkeVerstappen

    Rejected CR rdm vdm

    one more links
  6. BerkeVerstappen

    Rejected CR rdm vdm

    i am just patrolling 2 car make me first car ramming after that he shot the inside the green zone and vdm
  7. BerkeVerstappen

    Rejected Wrong Punishment | jefe dejefes

    i didint make a mercy kill but they are punisment with hov cartier i have pov this same time subs event jefe dejefes asked to me pov in 6 hours send here but i am always checking my form but wheres the notification this form Approved - MK Pov Request I 0000
  8. BerkeVerstappen

    Rejected Vagos Gang

    they are use roof in the fz raid
  9. BerkeVerstappen

    Rejected Leader of SAHP

    rocky on top
  10. BerkeVerstappen

    Approved Leader of the National Guard | Festan Keramida

    this man is legend I hope you are be new general
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