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  1. X

    Rejected Ban appeal for Gen 1.3 | Floki_Vilgeroarson

    I was banned for scamming but i didn't scammed him at the first place because i didn't sold it to him. It was called scamming if i would have actually sold it to him but i didn't. Therefore, I kindly request you to consider unbanning me. I have a deep affection for playing on what I believe to...
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    Rejected BAN APPEAL | Gen 1.3 | Argentiny_Jhonson

    Thank you so much for supporting i really appreciate it
  3. X

    Rejected BAN APPEAL | Gen 1.3 | Argentiny_Jhonson

    Dear Grand RP Administration, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kanishk Gupta, and I am writing to appeal the ban that was placed on my account due to an alleged scam involving the sale of Prime. I would like to clarify the situation from my perspective. As a new player to Grand...
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    Rejected Ban for scamming | Argentiny_Jhonson

    Dear Grand RP Administration, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kanishk Gupta, and I am writing to appeal the ban that was placed on my account due to an alleged scam involving the sale of Prime. I would like to clarify the situation from my perspective. As a new player to Grand...
  5. X

    Rejected Admin Application | Kanishk Gupta

    Information Your name IRL: Kanishk Gupta Your age (OOC): 23 Time zone + country: GMT+5:30 India Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 19:00 To 06:00 Average online per day(hours): 7 to 8 Hours Your Discord ID...
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