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Search results

  1. A

    Reviewed Ban for General Rule 1.8 / Floki Vilgeroarson

    Hello, I was banned from floki or bobby money transfer and I am very regretful for this reason, it has already been 2 months since my ban and I only threw 2 thousand dollars, so I am very regretful for this reason, I would like my ban to be opened.
  2. A

    Rejected General Rule 1.8 / Floki Vilgeroarson

    wrong title
  3. A

    Rejected General Rule 1.8 / Floki Vilgeroarson

    Hello, I was banned from floki or bobby money transfer and I am very regretful for this reason, it has already been 2 months since my ban and I only threw 2 thousand dollars, so I am very regretful for this reason, I would like my ban to be opened.
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