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Search results

  1. E

    Approved FearRp | ID : 130946

    He say kill me
  2. E

    Approved unwaning | vick klaus

    bill osten give me this punishment in the same time of sutioution why i got the same punishment bill gave me warn at 4:00 vick gave me same punishment at 6:10
  3. E

    Rejected RDM / ID - 110975

    He killed me for no reason while I was in EMS
  4. E

    Rejected POV request | ID 109565 | ID 116843

    how he damage me and the door was closed ?
  5. E

    Approved CR / RDM / MK - ID 199629

    kill me
  6. E

    Reviewed Massive/Multiple Rulebreaks | Dark night/narcos

    they rdm us multiple times and insuted us OOC in arabic provoking us 2 POV 3 POV 4 POV 5 POV 6 POV id 100965 / id 130687 / id 158082 / id 146836 / id 147132 / id 146965
  7. E

    Approved RDM - 132216

    It killed me while I was working on the trucker
  8. E

    Rejected RDM

    It killed me while I was working on the trucker
  9. E

    Rejected Ban for POV / Alexa Valencia

    First of all, there is nothing that I do not record in the game, but the problem is that the space is filled, and this is my fault, and I know that I am mistaken, and I deserve the full punishment And I do not apologize in order for the judgment to fall from me. No, I am wrong and I deserve to...
  10. E

    Rejected Apology

    First of all, there is nothing that I do not record in the game, but the problem is that the space is filled, and this is my fault, and I know that I am mistaken, and I deserve the full punishment And I do not apologize in order for the judgment to fall from me. No, I am wrong and I deserve to...
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