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  1. naser

    Approved Punishment For GZ 1.3 By Eva DeJefes

    Even the punishment gone for wrong id (136032) the correct id is (163032)
  2. naser

    Approved Punishment For GZ 1.3 By Eva DeJefes

    Why did i get the same punishment he has done? I didnt break the rule here he left the RP, i ran after him to get his id or how am i supposed to make a forum about rulebreakers then?
  3. naser

    Approved GZ Rule 1.3 | 163032

    Shooting then running into GZ
  4. naser

    Approved VDM | 123534

  5. naser

    Approved GZ Rule 1.3 | 167982

    He shoots and ran back into GZ
  6. naser

    Approved Fear RP | 182924

    As soon as my friend started telling him to put his hands up he started stalling and trolling as you can see in the POV
  7. naser

    Approved CL | 117738

  8. naser

    Rejected Gen Rule 1.1 by Richard Dejigalo

    I got a warning because i was fighting someone in ghetto (after he mercy killed his gang members and he admitted that) i was running after him for 2min he ran into a GZ (which i didnt knew its a gz untill i got off his body as you can see in the clip) and the admin came and gave him a warning...
  9. naser

    Approved VDM | 190206

    VDM | 190206
  10. naser

    Rejected Stalling | ID 179761

    You know that if u didnt post a 1min vid it will be rejected, but here i am posting the full video cuz u look like a dumb guy and i love helping dumb people like you
  11. naser

    Reviewed (Gen Rule 6.13, Gz Rule 1.3) | 67807

    Also you did wipe your weapon so I hope admin wipe your inventory
  12. naser

    Reviewed (Gen Rule 6.13, Gz Rule 1.3) | 67807

    you are saying u dont know its GZ? so why when i ran after you said "SHOOTING INTO GZ" ?
  13. naser

    Reviewed (Gen Rule 6.13, Gz Rule 1.3) | 67807

    And i found out ur a HC in Vagos gang so its a Vagos report too?
  14. naser

    Reviewed (Gen Rule 6.13, Gz Rule 1.3) | 67807

    If u watched the evidence well u would see u ran into a Parking as its a GZ if u dont know the rules well, i kept shooting because i didnt knew ur dumb shooting and running back to gz like nth happened else i wasnt running after you rat and looking at my mini map at the same time haha.
  15. naser

    Reviewed (Gen Rule 6.13, Gz Rule 1.3) | 67807

    As you can see in the clip he finished his 2 Vagos friends (mercy killing), then shooting and running into GZ and start crying why he died in GZ
  16. naser

    Rejected Massive Rule Break | 121734

    sry about the wrong POV, EDITED now
  17. naser

    Rejected Massive Rule Break | 121734

    GZ Rule 1.3, Fear RP, Fail RP As you can see in my POV 3 robbing him (2aiming 1robbing) and he ran into the GZ
  18. naser

    Approved GZ Rules 1.3 | 47928

    He shot at us then he ran back to the GZ as this is against the rules
  19. naser

    Rejected They started shooting and I am the one who accused

    I killed the last person he wasn't with, and I turned to apologize to him, but everything's clear in the video And I don't like vandalism, but I wanted to stop them I hope you understand the subject
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