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Search results

  1. Mazoku Murphy

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    I got killed by ID 0 & finished, either person is invisible or didn't render on my screen, I like to see their pov Thank you!
  2. Mazoku Murphy

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.12 - Deathmatching. | Ballas

    Another POV Same situation!
  3. Mazoku Murphy

    Rejected music on dead body | 145345

    answer is given on that thread CLEARLY https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/346655/
  4. Mazoku Murphy

    Rejected music on dead body | 145345

    Hi https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/346384/
  5. Mazoku Murphy

    Rejected GR 6.8 - Rejected Thread | Eternal Flawless

    https://streamable.com/5usjtr They were targeting me and purposely playing music on my dead body clear amoral action here. not sure why the admin rejected my thread.
  6. Mazoku Murphy

    Rejected GR 6.8 | 181621

    playing music on a dead body- not funny
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