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Search results

  1. R

    Approved 3.1, random punching |12337,225264,95752,44234

    Saying "I am not your father" Is not parental abuse are you tripping? Bro slow down for a second why you replying in 90 replies. CHILLLL. Also you may need a few lessons with your typing or maybe with all due respect your English is a bit off and if that's the case good news is grand offers many...
  2. R

    Approved 3.1, random punching |12337,225264,95752,44234

    Bro your off your rocker, A. this is not random LMAO. Clearly your not leaving and bothering multiple people who want you to drop the situation and leave. If anything you sitting down and acting this way was clear provoking. This is absolute harassment and your mad a couple guys punched you...
  3. R

    Reviewed VDM | 285402

    POV 'must be 1min OR show the entire situation', and this sir shows the situation. First you VDM people in city, and then you shoot them in ghetto after forcing them to be there. VDM in city and PG at the VERY least for forcing these 2 people into ghetto rp.
  4. R

    Rejected Leader of SAHP | Laddi Sangha

    Good luck my friend.
  5. R

    Approved Inaccessible roof | 210435

    Thats not even POV? Thats a screenshot wheres the rest of this situation?
  6. R

    Reviewed MK & Metagaming 275227 & 282594

    However as stated in my post, the action must be by definition an “amoral” action the GR 6.8 actually specifies things like sexual acts or spitting on a person. Crying when someone is dead however is not an amoral action when someone dies crying is actually very normal.
  7. R

    Reviewed MK & Metagaming 275227 & 282594

    A debt collector keeps returning even after demands was given so my friend shot her and her friend finished her from a distance assuming they was metagaming to make that happen too! Thanks in advance! Also just in case people are thinking anything about the anamation I wanted to say I did verify...
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