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  1. B

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information 1. Anuj Ghag 2. 23 3. IST 4.6-10 hours 5.pshyck 6.Bella Trio 7.124912 Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? i want to become an admin because i have played rp for a decent amount of time in GRP over i did many type of rps including EMS and NG.I have found...
  2. B

    Approved VDM + Car ramming | 127106

    here's the extended version
  3. B

    Approved VDM + Car ramming | 127106

    All in proof
  4. B

    Approved GR 6.24 | 127942

    I received a call for taxi went on location was called to come out I refused and the suspect shot me while on duty
  5. B

    Approved Gen. Rule 6.24 | 104783

    I was working as a taxi driver one of my passengers came out of vehicle on destination and shot me to death all proofs have been attached in the thread
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