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Search results

  1. Maddie Diggs

    Rejected Leader Of Fib | Eklavya Thakur

    +1 Had a great term with him in LSPD, he would be a great leader for FIB!!!
  2. Maddie Diggs

    Approved Combat logging | 120015

    I responded to an ATM robbery and there were 2 people there. I was killed and I was on the ground for about 4 minutes, after I waited FIB pulls up and kill them. They had one of the guys cuffed then he left.
  3. Maddie Diggs

    Rejected VDM | 11207

    I was riding my bike and this guy ran me over for no reason.
  4. Maddie Diggs

    Approved Unban appeal from main discord | Kevin Leblanc

    I posted a thread to be unbanned from the main discord for being toxic. It was rejected by Alex Odd, because being “toxic and giving an opinion are different things.” I don’t remember what I said exactly but it was something on the lines this server is not that great. The admin could’ve taken it...
  5. Maddie Diggs

    Approved Un-Ban Appeal (1.1 & 1.4) | Bobby Margiela

    When I was in lspd with Finley he never let me down, he was always trying his best, in my eyes I saw that he was making LSPD a better place, I hate to see that he does not have a becoming a leader because of this, he is an all around great guy, I think he deserves a second chance. You know what...
  6. Maddie Diggs

    Rejected Unban appeal from main discord | Kevin Leblanc

    I posted a thread to be unbanned from the main discord for being toxic. It was rejected by Alex Odd, because being “toxic and giving an opinion are different things.” I don’t remember what I said exactly but it was something on the lines this server is not that great. The admin could’ve taken it...
  7. Maddie Diggs

    Reviewed Unban appeal from main discord | Kevin Leblanc

    I was banned for being “toxic” even though I was just giving my opinion on the server. This was back in the summer time last year, not sure when it happened nor do I have proof of being banned for 999 days.
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