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Search results

  1. Nathan North

    Approved Unban Appeal GR 1.1 GR 1.4 | Mazhor Pluxury

    Firstly, I hope u are good. I was banned about 3 weeks ago, u can see on the forum link. Its my first ban, Im so sorry for that My account was hacked by cheater and my friends are report from admin contact that 150029 got hacked and stolen. Notix Haze kicked the account from the server and i...
  2. Nathan North

    Rejected Unban Appeal GR 1.1 GR 1.4 | James Pluxury

    https://hizliresim.com/in5jz7s Hey, Today at 18:30 game time i tried to join the server. But when i tried to join i got this Warning on my screen. After a minute i realized that my GrandRP account got hacked. My friend on discord was setting Meeting Points for Business event, in 2 minutes my...
  3. Nathan North

    Rejected Meta Gaming & Vdm - 193714

    his pov is here
  4. Nathan North

    Rejected Meta Gaming & Vdm - 193714

    They are talking with discord in a IC Event and his doing vdm but he didnt take any punishment
  5. Nathan North

    Approved Combat Log - 258044 , 311935

    we shoot his at the parachute event and his out of the game
  6. Nathan North

    Rejected Combat Log - 215766

    we shoot his at the parachute event and his out of the game
  7. Nathan North

    Reviewed POV REQUEST|150029

    why are u doing meta gaming and vdm? xx
  8. Nathan North

    Reviewed Pov Request I 00000

    :DDDDD :poop:
  9. Nathan North

    Approved Bug Abuse | 136474

    yes all in video we can see, there is a ic event but ur family doing meta gaming, u and ur friends will be punishment :)
  10. Nathan North

    Reviewed Pov Request| 0000

  11. Nathan North

    Reviewed Pov Request I 277171

    think again before you give shit on someone next time:poop:
  12. Nathan North

    Approved OOC Insult - 134768

    Everything in pov, I would be happy if the Turkish admin would review it.
  13. Nathan North

    Reviewed Pov Request: ID 226578

    The burst of my pleas when I hit 2 bullets with the assault rifle
  14. Nathan North

    Rejected Parent Insult | 300682

  15. Nathan North

    Rejected Pov Request - 146965

  16. Nathan North

    Approved RDM - 80965

    Everything in pov
  17. Nathan North

    Rejected POV request | 150029

  18. Nathan North

    Reviewed Pov Request - 98949

  19. Nathan North

    Reviewed Pov Request - 98949

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