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  1. Eren Sopranos

    Rejected Ban appeal!!!

    pleas reply
  2. Eren Sopranos

    Rejected Ban appeal!!!

    I was banned by an admin named ercan can on 07.06.23. video: I don't have proof but the user (276580) who complained about us before the video ran over my friend and me with the car. Then we started chasing the user with my friend, we left when she left the red zone, then when she came back we...
  3. Eren Sopranos

    Approved Leader of Vagos | Bugra Caglar | 66295

    I think she should be a leader. BugraCagalara
  4. Eren Sopranos

    Approved RDM in city 81227-119620-101714

    We landed on the roof of these people by helicopter, and when we got off the helicopter, we were asked to leave the area in 5 seconds, but without counting 5 seconds, they started to open fire and RDM.
  5. Eren Sopranos

    Rejected Cheats | ID:112223

    my id : 112223 i only open my pov on mandatory events so i don't have pov here. When the video is watched in slow motion, you can see that the bullet that killed him did not come from me, and from the logs you can see that the bullet that killed him was not from me.
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