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Search results

  1. H

    Approved MG | 201454

    "5 star wanted" (this is OOC) ...attempts to shoot through the wall after seeing IDs through the wall? Cheats of 201454? Interesting...where/how? Your POV is not the full situation, how do you determine the other guy is wanted but it is not showing in POV of you figuring that out? Still...
  2. H

    Approved Pov Request ID : 158681

    I see larger gun (illegal redux/modifications) and where do you see he killed you?!?!?!?! No killfeed...
  3. H

    Approved GR 6.23 & ER 1.18 | ID 99252

    You do know there's a spot right in front of me where you can hide behind the wall, completely accessable location there...
  4. H

    Approved GR 6.23 & ER 1.18 | ID 99252

    Requesting full POV from ID 99252 as he was seen on the highway and then on the ground afterward. GR 6.23 (Bug Abuse) and ER 1.18 (Inaccessible) were both broken here. No way to fall from that distance without bug abuse.
  5. H

    Rejected RDM - 20475

    Looks like it was well deserved, running around punching others...hmm...
  6. H

    Approved POV REQUEST | ID 0000

    ID: 89579
  7. H

    Approved Non-RP/Fail RP | ID 52120

    Please see the whole situation from the moment I got there.
  8. H

    Approved 6.2 | ID 2238

    To clear up any confusion on if this was his question mark or not. We attempted to rob the other guy, where he broke FearRP and called for backup, so then I was going to start robbing this guy, then he's gone.
  9. H

    Rejected ER 1.3 | ID 57099, 288, 52120, 6071, 39830, 2238

    The form did not let me add all IDs, they are as follows: 57099, 288, 52120, 6071, 39830, 2238
  10. H

    Rejected ER 1.3 | ID 57099, 288, 52120, 6071, 39830, 2238

    Multiple people from Savage Nation started in the zone, requesting POV to prove that they did not. Also per 1.7, you must have POV for the red circle event.
  11. H

    Approved Non-RP/Fail RP | ID 52120

    Was going to rob this guy, had 2 guns pointed at him/at his head, and he chose to call over radio when he was told twice to put hands up.
  12. H

    Approved 6.2 | ID 2238

    Killed this guy then was going to rob him, but he disconnected.
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