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Search results

  1. C

    Approved RDM | ID : 234405

    no context needed , was waiting for informal too
  2. C

    Approved RDM | ID: 390423

    no context needed
  3. C

    Rejected Warn UB Demands and RDM | Lawa Broddy

    I really enjoy playing this game and i waited for 7 days especially so i could rejoin my previous org and i can continue playing this game like i used to , i feel like the best part of this game is the org events so please help me with my warning i promise i wont be raiding anymore solars
  4. C

    Rejected Warn UB Demands and RDM | Lawa Broddy

    Good afternoon , yesterday when i was playing grand rp i decided to raid some solars , so like any person i went to a known spot that has solar panels , and when i waiting for it to hit 22:00 so i could collect the solars i heard a helicopter sound , so i gave him demands while he was still in...
  5. C

    Approved VDM | ID : 382536

    no context needed
  6. C

    Rejected Wrong decision | Harisson Goodman

    For you and ur admin friend's info , ive asked other admins about this and when u only have 5 mins left on solar panels, you have the ability to kill people without demands . And deceiving an admin is going too far , im simply saying that he took the wrong decision because he probably knows you...
  7. C

    Rejected Wrong decision | Harisson Goodman

    Just to be clear , admins like this one that arent sure about the situation or whats happening should ask more about the context of the battle instead of issuing a warning and demorgan for no apparent reason . I was raiding their solar panels and for this admins information , in the last 5...
  8. C

    Rejected Wrong decision | Harisson Goodman

  9. C

    Rejected Wrong decision | Harisson Goodman

    Just to be clear , admins like this one that arent sure about the situation or whats happening should ask more about the context of the battle instead of issuing a warning and demorgan for no apparent reason . I was raiding their solar panels and for this admins information , in the last 5...
  10. C


    Just to be clear , admins like this one that arent sure about the situation or whats happening should ask more about the context of the battle instead of issuing a warning and demorgan for no apparent reason . I was raiding their solar panels and for this admins information , in the last 5...
  11. C

    Reviewed GR 6.8 | ID : 389677 , 224717 , 389883 , 116141

    i was raiding their solar panels that were gonna be ready by 2:00
  12. C

    Reviewed GR 6.8 | ID : 389677 , 224717 , 389883 , 116141

    no caption needed , insults , swearing , and id 224717 pushing new players like 389883 to punch me without them knowing the consequences
  13. C


    HOW did i leave rp when they cant even rob me or do anything because there werent enough people , its exactly like OOC if there arent enough robbers you'll just run somewhere safe
  14. C


    I was sent to demorgan for breaking rule 1.3 in the ghetto but the thing is i entered green zone because they were only 3 people and 2 cars when normally you need 4 people and 2 cars to rob someone as mentionned in the rules , so as soon as i was revived i entered green zone to complete my...
  15. C

    Approved RDM IN GZ | ID : 294049

    i was in the bar in the ghetto and this guy kept punching me until i died
  16. C

    Reviewed UB DEMANDS : 374400 , 345539

    they gave ub demands while out of their house and killed us
  17. C

    Approved RDM | ID : 379862 , 388378 , 386916

    These guys were in my family house so i was trying yo understand what they were doing by blocking the entrance to come out of the car and talk to them but they pushed me out of the way , gave me ub demands and proceeded to shoot me then rdm me
  18. C

    Rejected RDM | ID : 379862 , 388378 , 386916

    i was killed by these guys on the road for no reason
  19. C

    Rejected wrong decision | Spike Hill

    what are u saying , if u want the entire 15 mins clip ill be happy to send it to you .Plus , i entered when no one was shooting how am i supposed to know there was rp going on , they didnt even give demands plus the clip is as soon as i entered the house from the back , i was offroad using my...
  20. C

    Rejected wrong decision | Spike Hill

    I was entering MY OWN fam house to repair my solar panels when i saw some people checking them , i was about to ask what they were doing there they shot me instantly , i proceeded to ask an admin about it ( Spike Hill ) he decided to ignore what i had to say and instantly rejected the complaint...
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