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Search results

  1. N

    Approved RDM I 401969

  2. N

    Approved RDM I 82259

    All in POV, there was no provocations, sorry that my voice is not heard that good but U can still hear that these citizens were not offended or provoked in any way ,
  3. N

    Approved RDM I 356612

    ALL in POV
  4. N

    Rejected Unban Appeal GR 1.1

    Hello team, I can guarantee this person did not share an account with anyone and I`m sure Opps family can guarantee for him as we were always talking to him and we are pretty sure it was the same person all the time. Thank you
  5. N

    Rejected Unban appeal - GR1.1 - Mohamed Pluxury

    I can vouch for him ! I am his boss at work and we can prove it !
  6. N

    Rejected FEAR RP I 308951

    This is the second time I`m reporting this dude and the first time request was denied so it looks like when in RL someone points a gun at you , you decide to step out of car and shoot at him ? This ain`t John Wick roleplay and by any means this player should be punished ! Thank you
  7. N

    Rejected FearRP | 308951

    All in POV
  8. N

    Approved VDM I 214029

    He was given a warning .still continued to do the same .
  9. N

    Approved VDM | 108918

    Please see POV , this is not the first time he is doing this, unfortunately I don`t have him recorded .
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