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  1. 𝐁

    Rejected Blacklist | Mujo Mustafic

    Ε½ao mi je, naravno, ali zaΕ‘to crnoj listi? Jesam li uvrijedio administratora, jesam li nekako naudio projektu? Bio sam u zatvoru i na crnoj listi sam doΕ‘ao. Administrator blokiran u neslaganju, razlog nije objavljen. Koliko puta su bili kaΕΎnjeni samo tako. Ε½alba za Ε‘efove administratora. Mujo...
  2. 𝐁

    Approved LTA | 766

    A gdje je vaőa maska za vrijeme specijalne operacije, vođo??? Krőiő tajnost..... I pružite snimku svoje kamere kako ste je nosili na odjeći. Prema ic-u, trebali ste ga vratiti.
  3. 𝐁

    Approved LTA | 766

    i kako je stigao treći agent, također bez maske i prema mg informacijama)))))) Na crnoj si listi? Podla kukavica
  4. 𝐁

    Approved LTA | 766

    A kako si ti agent bez maske ??? Vi ste jedinica.
  5. 𝐁

    Approved LTA | 766

    Dogovorili smo se da je sastanak OOC, ne IC. SloΕΎio si se. Rekao sam da u OOC ne moΕΎete me uhapsiti, jer je IC proces prekinut. Ako si hteo da me uhapsiΕ‘, onda nisi trebao da pristaneΕ‘ na OOC sastanak.
  6. 𝐁

    Rejected Samo zasaΔ‘eno | Paco Black (Mujo Mustafic)

    Već sam umoran od stavljanja u zatvor prvi, a onda se oni izvine i ukloni kaznu od mene. Stavili su me u zatvor i sva oružja su uklonjena iz inventara, onda je kazna uklonjena, i oružje nikada nije vraćeno. kažu da ga je nemoguće vratiti. Šta je to??! Vrati oružje, i daj naknadu za moje vrijeme...
  7. 𝐁

    Rejected Just planted | Paco Black (Mujo Mustafic)

    I'm already tired of being put in jail first, and then they apologize and remove the punishment from me. I was put in jail and all the weapons were removed from the inventory, then the punishment was removed, and the weapon was never returned. they say it is impossible to return it. What is...
  8. 𝐁

    Rejected Ignorance of the rules , lies | Kira Decali

    I didn't find anything about the concept of MK on the Internet. Try to explain it to me) Referring to the paragraph of the rules!
  9. 𝐁

    Rejected Ignorance of the rules , lies | Kira Decali

    Show me what MK is and where the item with this rule is. Well, show me where I killed my own on video. They also request a video from the administrator
  10. 𝐁

    Rejected Ignorance of the rules , lies | Kira Decali

    I was told that I killed ours when I didn't kill ours. If you look at the point of the rules, then there is not a single point. I also did not find the concept of MK. Show me the exact point here? Well, they request a video of how I killed my man. Let me remind you, the 24/7 event is an OOS...
  11. 𝐁

    Rejected Administrator's blat | Kayn Darkin

    When I wrote that they were shooting at us, the administrators didn't care.
  12. 𝐁

    Rejected Administrator's blat | Kayn Darkin

    If I ran into the green zone in the ghetto, why did people start shooting at it first?
  13. 𝐁

    Rejected Administrator's blat | Kayn Darkin

    And why is he making loud noises into the microphone? I had to take off my headphones
  14. 𝐁

    Rejected Administrator's blat | Kayn Darkin

    Why does the administrator put me in jail for going into the house when people started SK. They started shooting into the territory of the house, and I ran inside. Why should I die? When was my house a green zone??? Let him ask for a full video from those who started shooting at our house first.
  15. 𝐁

    Rejected Neispravan rukovanje ΕΎalbama | Gregor Krstevski

    Trenutno razmatramo žalbu. Do sada, ova žalba nema nikakve veze sa slučajem.
  16. 𝐁

    Rejected Neispravan rukovanje ΕΎalbama | Gregor Krstevski

    Stavio sam 2 videa i pokazao da su zaposleni vukli moj prtljaΕΎnik bez razloga i sve komande / me do try. Administrator je odbacio tu prituΕΎbu, jer nije vidio nikakve prekrΕ‘aje u rih-u. Ako pogledate chat, onda video da je moj prtljaΕΎnik pretraΕΎen. ViΕ‘a administracija moΕΎe pregledati zapise i...
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