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Search results

  1. G

    Rejected RDM | 148402

    I was driving normally suddenly guy "148402" came and blocked my way I was taking my car reverse but then he came out of his car and shooted me instantly in unscripted green zone without giving demands
  2. G

    Rejected RDM | 157350

    I was just AFK for few minutes in unscripted green zone but when I came back I saw i am unconscious and player (157350) killed me as I was AFK so that's why I don't have POV but I have a screenshot which you can see. I hope you will punish him without POV but you will check the screenshot.
  3. G

    Reviewed RDM | 149064

    i was just playing the game normally suddenly this player came and start punching my car i came out i was having a gun in hand but i was not having ammo and i came out to talk with him but he taken out a baseball bat and then he was trying to kill me and also he was punching. i was going near...
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