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Search results

  1. E

    Approved Mercy killing | ID: 180555

    break role 6.13
  2. E

    Approved RDM in gas station | ID: 180555, 180580

    While I was driving through red zone, my anxiety grew as I desperately aimed to reach the gas station. Suddenly, I spotted two individuals. Fear gripping me, I hurried towards the gas station, but tragically, they caught up with me and ended my life.
  3. E

    Rejected ricism

    He cursed my mother and then said I hurt your feelings and insulted the Islamic religion
  4. E

    Reviewed VDM 71080

  5. E

    Rejected insulting parents and killing with no reason

    insulting parents and killing with no reason
  6. E

    Approved parents insulting id:102396

    parents insulting id:102396 and i told him he cant say this but he kept going
  7. E

    Approved RMD ID:2708

    i was waiting the candy drop and he came and killed all of us
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