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  1. T

    Reviewed Demorgan for Ghetto 1.7 |Rohit Garg

    was sent to demorgan for ghetto 1.7 All gang members must wear top and pants of their gang`s color | Demorgan 180 min first off I am not in a gang and second this was a family matter and I was wearing family colors of black and purple. As you can see in the clip and screenshot provided I am...
  2. T

    Rejected Ban appeal GR 4.1

    I was banned by Asrin_Pluxury for GR 4.1 (Gym Bot) at 00:00. At this time I had fallen asleep at my desk while mining. I do not use any form of bot or cheat this usually happens to me as I just need to lay my head down and press one button and periodically check for bot captchas. This is a...
  3. T

    Rejected Unban appeal

    Fell asleep mining with a capcha up and woke up to a ban for 60 days. reson Gym bot? was nowhere near gym. also i do not use bots or software to do anything in game. i do however play very late into the night and often fall asleep doing simple tasks like mining and fishing
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