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Search results

  1. J

    Rejected RDM | 165000

    Why crying my son You forgot me I am your father 🧌
  2. J

    Reviewed close

    I think your father is Vikku bhaii 🧌
  3. J

    Rejected RDM | 165000

    Bro you are first doing random punching then he kill you So your punishment is demorgen for random punching And first read all rule then upload form
  4. J

    Rejected RDM | 150875

    Upload full pov
  5. J

    Reviewed close

    Noice meta gaming
  6. J

    Rejected RDM | 165000

    You both are punished
  7. J

    Rejected RDM | 165000

    Noice random punching
  8. J

    Reviewed POV Request, ER 1.3 | 46601

    Brother you could have at least edited the video correctly as soon as the event started, the capturing resources and time above are exactly 40 🤡
  9. J

    Reviewed POV Request, ER 1.3 | 46601

    Why are you edit pov
  10. J

    Reviewed POV Request, ER 1.3 | 46601

    Bro upload full pov
  11. J

    Approved G.R 6.22 | 160085,100207

    Prma ban Reason:-Bye Bye
  12. J

    Rejected Bug Abuse

    Noice mera gaming 😄
  13. J

    Rejected Fail RP + 6.4 | 70379, 950059

    Bro wtf player I'd is 950059 lol
  14. J

    Reviewed RDM | 144238

    Nice mera gaming 😄
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