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  1. P

    Rejected Appeal Unban BlackListed | 46410 | for Mazhor

    Hello Mazhor, I got BL because I DMed mujo simba a video I found on TikTok and DMed him to see what kind of bad people they are. Then I got BL perm and it has nothing to do with IC because it is OCC and I didn't hide anything and I didn't doxing it. I would ask for an unban in 1 more chance to...
  2. P

    Rejected Appeal UnBan BlackListed | Gabo Darkmann | 46410 | for Mujo Simba

    Postovani Mujo Simba, Proslo je dugo vremena kako sto sam dobio Ban Permu BL za doxing i stvarno mi je zao. Samo sam vidio snimak Tik Toku i dao komemtae da su ludaci. I ceo vreme sam bio uz tebe, cak i u danasnje dane sam jos uz tebe i ako imam Ban. Hteo sam da ti de izvinim za sve sto sam...
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