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    Approved GP 1.8 | 47807,50336

    Igrac 47807,50336 (Riki Untouchable) je imao kontant sa mainom i twinkom dakle ove godine u aprilu 47807 je preneo novac na svoj twink (50336) , molim da se proveri svaka informacija...
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    Rejected Project blacklist evading | for Lebron Pluxury

    Greetings Lebron, I have information that ID 12669 from RS server, Denza Washington, who has been project blacklisted on the RS server as well as all other Grand servers, is now evading the project blacklist on EN3 server by playing on the account ID 104835 - EN3 server. This is the ID I’ve...
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    Rejected Laganje Administracije I 53542

    Dobar Dan Draga administracijo, Nesa linin (53542) lider NG-a I bivsi lider MS-a koji je stavio u naslovu da ima 14 godina, ali zapravo nema 14 godia nego 12, znao sam se s njim od pre i u voicu kad smo bili je to pricao, HVALA NA SASLUSANJU
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    Rejected Mass rule break / for curator of project

    Greetings Lebron, I have a complaint regarding player ID 21192/31082, who is massively violating the rules. He has been banned for over 360+ to 420 days (60 days per ban), which, as far as I know, is enough for a blacklist due to repeated rule violations. Some of his offenses for which he...
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    Rejected G.P 1.8 I 930,45814

    30.10.2023 je id 45814 pozajmio pare(800k) od 36635 da bi kupio neku stvar onda je on dobio ban za g.p 1.4 po treci put.Zatim kada je dobio unban na 930 id(njegov main acc) postepeno je vracao pare id-u 36635 po otprilike 45k dnevno sto se smatra pod komunikcijom izmedju main i twink acc.Hvala...
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    Rejected Wrong Decision Made | for Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron, I believe Abraham made the wrong decision here: Rejected - Konstantno krsenje pravila | 7906 12440 I think it’s necessary for you to review this complaint again. ID 7906 / 12440 is constantly breaking the rules and has been banned for over 700 days on account ID 7906 for...
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