Hello Dear Admin Team
1. Your name IRL - Leon
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT+1
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Make sure to use AM , PM to make it clear) - From 4PM → 10PM
5. Average online per day - about 5 →6 hours every day, on weekends im...
1. Vaše ime u RL: Leon
2. Vaše godine: 18
3. Vremenska zona: (GMT-1)
4. Prosječna aktivnost na dan: 5-6h
5. Vaš Diskord: LeonKlein#6593
6. Vaše Ingame ime: Leon Klein
7. Vaš ID:3747
Dodatne Informacije
1. Zašto želite postati admin? Zelim pomoc igracima da se lakse opuste u...
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